Sunday, December 31, 2017

For those concerned with the 'state of the world', this is a list of many pertinent things to consider going into the New Year...and possibilities that can ameliorate them and provide a better planet for everyone to live on. 😊👍

For those concerned with the 'state of the world', this is a list of many pertinent things to consider going into the New Year...and possibilities that can ameliorate them and provide a better planet for everyone to live on. 😊👍 - Why the global order is becoming ever more uncertain

Saturday, December 30, 2017

- The moment a baby Chameleon is born 😍 Credit: Simply Rock Creek Chameleons Submit your own video via email to The Reptile Report is made possible by

Friday, December 29, 2017

A very good article...

A very good article... -

Under the Midnight Sun

Under the Midnight Sun - In September 2017, a new iceberg calved from Pine Island Glacier—one of the main outlets where the West Antarctic Ice Sheet flows into the ocean.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

- Happy New Year to all my family and friends (And all other sentient beings)! "Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let each new year find you a better human being." - Benjamin Franklin

- For those of you not happy with your Christmas gifts... Just remember, it could be worse! (Hehehe)

- <3 <3 <3

Naples at Night

Naples at Night - An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photograph of the city lights of Naples and the Campania region of southern Italy.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

- Sometimes, the song fits my day. Sometimes, it even fits my life... I always felt in sync with this one - originally done by Blue Oyster Cult and featured in the movie Heavy Metal - but done here by the very talented Arjen Anthony Lucassen.

Kwanzaa Tholus on Ceres

Kwanzaa Tholus on Ceres - These images show a subtle feature on dwarf planet Ceres called Kwanzaa Tholus.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Here's an interesting article on Ethics and Human Nature:

Here's an interesting article on Ethics and Human Nature: - Ethics cannot be based on human nature because, as evolutionary biology tells us, there is no such thing

My wife, Liwa, and I believe it's always a good idea to reflect during the holidays and remind ourselves what we have to be thankful for and to keep the world in perspective... Please remember, no matter how difficult things might seem, there are many other people in the world who struggle with little hope of improving their situation - yet, they still sacrifice, still persevere and try their best to remain kind and friendly. We are all capable of doing the same, especially since we have it much better than most people do! Our warmest thanks and best wishes to friends and family during this holiday season! 😊👍

My wife, Liwa, and I believe it's always a good idea to reflect during the holidays and remind ourselves what we have to be thankful for and to keep the world in perspective... Please remember, no matter how difficult things might seem, there are many other people in the world who struggle with little hope of improving their situation - yet, they still sacrifice, still persevere and try their best to remain kind and friendly. We are all capable of doing the same, especially since we have it much better than most people do! Our warmest thanks and best wishes to friends and family during this holiday season! 😊👍 - While industrialisation has prompted unprecedented economic growth and allowed for the rise of a new middle class in China, urbanisation has also left some 9 million children in the countryside alone or in the care of relatives as their parents work in cities far from home. Down from the Mountains c...

Hubble's Holiday Nebula “Ornament”

Hubble's Holiday Nebula “Ornament” - The Hubble Space Telescope captured what looks like a colorful holiday ornament in space. It's actually an image of NGC 6326, a planetary nebula with glowing wisps of outpouring gas.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

[UPDATED - to include the current sitting POTUS.]

[UPDATED - to include the current sitting POTUS.] - It really isn't brain surgery or rocket science...and should be embraced by all people of wealth. What should be clear to all people is that wealth does not indicate class or character. If you believe it does, just go find the nearest crack-selling, Mercedes-driving, gold-embellished drug dealer...Ponzi-scheming, life-savings-stealing investment broker...or company-dissolving, job-destroying, family-breaking Corporate CEO swine and take a long look at all the class and character they have (it shouldn't take long - they have none). Without morals, whatever they may be, one has no character. Without ethics, one has no class...and, in the same vein, capitalism is nothing short of theft and crime in the absence of morality and ethics. The blingers, social posturers and self-pride peddling (not to mention, clearly lacking in confidence and self-esteem) pitiful, soulless, materialistic people out there may want to consider that the next time they venture out and try to impress someone. ;) (y)

Hello From Above

Hello From Above - Greetings from @Astro_Sabot, otherwise known as Mark Vande Hei, from aboard the International Space Station.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Bluest of Ice

The Bluest of Ice - Acquired on November 29 by Operation IceBridge during a flight to Victoria Land, this image shows an iceberg floating in Antarctica's McMurdo Sound.

All I want for Christmas is a...

All I want for Christmas is a... - Have you ever made a decision you should regret but don't?

...nor am I... It is a misnomer, for certain!

...nor am I... It is a misnomer, for certain! - The former U.S. Labor Secretary explains that CEOs who challenge Trump on immigration and climate are taking “minimal” risks.

Monday, December 18, 2017

One cannot really argue with fact over fantasy and speculation! 🤔 This is definitely well worth reading...

One cannot really argue with fact over fantasy and speculation! 🤔 This is definitely well worth reading... - We asked a group of writers to consider the forces that have shaped our lives in 2017. Here, science fiction writer Ted Chiang looks at capitalism, Silicon Valley, and its fear of superintelligent AI.

Best I've seen yet! Very HQ performance art, production and jammin' music! Thx for the share, Jonathan Smith! You rock, bro! (y)

Best I've seen yet! Very HQ performance art, production and jammin' music! Thx for the share, Jonathan Smith! You rock, bro! (y) - Buy the single internationally on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and more now! Facebook / Instagram: galacticempireofficial Twitter: galacticempire8 #GalacticEmpire #StarWars #DarthVader #TheForceAwakens

Seeing an X-Plane's Sonic Boom

Seeing an X-Plane's Sonic Boom -  

Sunday, December 17, 2017

- While I am a deeply spiritual man, I'm not a very religious one. Of course, my research, involvement and practice of several religions came (over a span of 3 decades) well before my current choice, so I have done more than my fair share of due is a well-informed choice, in my humble opinion. I find no argument with faithful people who embrace religions or those who choose otherwise, as long as their intentions are good. There are many routes to virtue. Some venture towards virtue with the need to have a spiritual guide. Others can realize the value of morality, ethics and virtue through logic and reason - without necessitating spiritual guidance. Conversely, there are also many excuses and ways to abuse what is beautiful and good for evil intent. Some also do this with religion, through poor intent - as well as with Atheism, using it as a platform to spread hatred towards those who believe differently (oddly enough, a lot like religious folks with evil intent do - there isn't much difference between them, to be honest). I think this just about covers all people... That being said and, as many people who know me well might agree, I am not beyond mentioning or otherwise showing my enjoyment of things I encounter which are religiously affiliated or even those which are non-religious (scientific, for instance). In this case, it is something very religious...that I must give great credit to. It is a song performed by one of my current favorite groups off their recently released Christmas album. I found the track/video stunning because of the incredible talent of the group, even though it is a cover tune (they are more widely known for covers). It's been covered by a lot of other artists over the years, but not this well, I feel. The lyrics were written by Mark Lowry in 1984, and the music was written by Buddy Greene in 1991. I give great credit to Lowry for his profound creativity. It is a song about Jesus/God, but it is being sung to Mary (Magdalene). It's really the first time I've seen this type of approach to a God/Jesus/Religious/Christmas song and it had an impressive impact. Then again, I tend to over-analyze everything in the blink of an eye. A blessing and a curse, I suppose. :P Anyway, enough of the 'psychobabble'... 'Merry Christmas' to everyone and...I hope you can enjoy this song as much as I did, whether or not you are a believer. Pentatonix rulez...there is no question about that! ^_^ #Pentatonix #PTXOfficial

Friday, December 15, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Sunday, December 10, 2017

- Oof! Sad, but true...I fear. O_o "True love is like bin Laden. Everyone is looking for it, and when they find it they shoot it in the face and throw it in the ocean." - Jay Murray


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Well-stated... "The greatest crime ever committed against democracy."

Well-stated... "The greatest crime ever committed against democracy." - The question of what Russia was supposed to get in return for helping Trump win the election was answered today as a bombshell text from Mike Flynn to a business partner promised to rip up the Obama sanctions on Russia as one of Flynn's first orders of business.

DUH-nning/Krueger in full effect! (I suspect we have a President who suffers bigly from this issue)

DUH-nning/Krueger in full effect! (I suspect we have a President who suffers bigly from this issue) - Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson:

- On the edge of my seat! ;)

- I just stumbled across this yesterday... I thought some of you might like a heads-up. Not only is it an incredible collection, but it's also very well-organized!

Cygnus Cargo Spacecraft at Sunrise

Cygnus Cargo Spacecraft at Sunrise -  

Monday, December 4, 2017

The audacity of some people...(apparently, they will never learn)! 👎🏻

The audacity of some people...(apparently, they will never learn)! 👎🏻 - Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was ghostwriting an op-ed while out on bail last month with a Russian who has ties to the Russian intelligence service, Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Muller's team said Monday.

Space Station Transits the Moon

Space Station Transits the Moon -  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

- Welcome to the Bark Side. Star Wars song from a dog chorus! #Episode7 #Countdown

- Been saying this for years

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

- I'd have to say...this is fairly 'spot-on'... (Beware!) (y)

- Is this what Earth will look like after humans are done wrecking it and have gone?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

- Do not make the mistake of the ignorant who think that an individualist is a man who says: “I’ll do as I please at everybody else’s expense.” An individualist is a man who recognizes the inalienable individual rights of man - his own and those of others. An individualist is a man who says: “I will not run anyone’s life - nor let anyone run mine. I will not rule nor be ruled. I will not be a master nor a slave. I will not sacrifice myself to anyone - nor sacrifice anyone to myself." - Ayn Rand