Thursday, September 13, 2018

When you call a person a 'Liberal' should make sure you understand what 'version' you are talking about and which they are. It is quite clear that Conservative policy has ceased to be conservative - just as much as it is clear that the 'old definition' of 'Liberal' is just as foul as 'Neo-conservatives' are. Here is a great article to help you sort things out:

When you call a person a 'Liberal' should make sure you understand what 'version' you are talking about and which they are. It is quite clear that Conservative policy has ceased to be conservative - just as much as it is clear that the 'old definition' of 'Liberal' is just as foul as 'Neo-conservatives' are. Here is a great article to help you sort things out: - Success turned liberals into a complacent elite. They need to rekindle their desire for radicalism

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