It’s not about the color of your skin - don’t believe the hype from underachievers looking to protect their ‘privilege’. It is all about opportunity and diligence...it is about equal access and motivation. Here is a 4 year old black boy giving a speech from memory while many don’t even have such a vocabulary and/or can’t do so without a script - all while many 4 year olds still need help changing their clothes. We either create the world we want to live in or we repress and fear the one we feel we can’t flourish in and continue to deny our species the right to be all they can be. That is the absolute truth... Some of us are guilty of the repressive, fearful and ignorant behavior while others are (whether justified or not) guilty of allowing that repression to break our stride and fail in anger and/or depression. Meanwhile, those who can take advantage of opportunity and are highly motivated will continue to succeed. There is no such thing as luck - there is only preparedness meeting opportunity. Wise words to remember... ☺️ - This brilliant 4-year-old can teach the whole world a thing or two about reading
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