Saturday, March 3, 2018

Who woulda' guessed that it would happen while a Republican President (?) was in the White House and both the House and Senate were Republican-controlled? Well, it certainly would have taken SOME sort of oddity to change things, since random civilians and schools full of children being slaughtered by mentally deranged idiots who seemed to have no problem getting firearms (thanks to capitalism - yes, capitalism!) and the lack of assistance programs and oversight for those who have a screw or two loose and are a bit too tightly wound. At any rate, it's about time... I am not anti-gun but I am anti-"screw the people who need help and sell a gun to anyone who can hold one so we can make more money and hire lobbyists with no ethics or morality to influence (pervert) democracy"... Good policy is not good policy when it is built on a crumbling foundation - much like it is a ridiculous idea to build a mansion in a slum and crime-ridden corner of a city. Simple logic, which is what we should be applying... ...rather than "Lipstick on a pig". ๐Ÿ‘

Who woulda' guessed that it would happen while a Republican President (?) was in the White House and both the House and Senate were Republican-controlled? Well, it certainly would have taken SOME sort of oddity to change things, since random civilians and schools full of children being slaughtered by mentally deranged idiots who seemed to have no problem getting firearms (thanks to capitalism - yes, capitalism!) and the lack of assistance programs and oversight for those who have a screw or two loose and are a bit too tightly wound. At any rate, it's about time... I am not anti-gun but I am anti-"screw the people who need help and sell a gun to anyone who can hold one so we can make more money and hire lobbyists with no ethics or morality to influence (pervert) democracy"... Good policy is not good policy when it is built on a crumbling foundation - much like it is a ridiculous idea to build a mansion in a slum and crime-ridden corner of a city. Simple logic, which is what we should be applying... ...rather than "Lipstick on a pig". ๐Ÿ‘ - Gun sale profits are plunging as the combination of increased public support for gun control and the lack of a Democratic president to scare people with has led to hard times for the gun industry and their lobby, the NRA.

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