Saturday, March 31, 2018

This article's message seems to be timeless, probably because people continue to fail to realize the wisdom within. It is well worth reading all the way to the end... And even better to remember is: We should be aware of those people around us who have dangerous, inflexible ideologies - and even more concerned when we notice them within ourselves. There is no balance in such a mentality and life is all about balance.

This article's message seems to be timeless, probably because people continue to fail to realize the wisdom within. It is well worth reading all the way to the end... And even better to remember is: We should be aware of those people around us who have dangerous, inflexible ideologies - and even more concerned when we notice them within ourselves. There is no balance in such a mentality and life is all about balance. - In a more broad sense, this is the definition of 'fake news'... It's been perpetrated and 'spun'...globally and by nearly every government, including (most prominently) the United States (as well as those who buy into it), for reasons of questionable policy propagation and acceptance. This is what fear and propaganda do - they allow governments to get away with murder while making their citizens unwitting (and sometimes, witting) accomplices. Meanwhile, they also remove any hope for peace and erode citizens' freedoms. In such cases, who is REALLY eroding those freedoms? Maybe it is the citizens... ______________________ 'Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.' - Benjamin Franklin ______________________ The evidence is all around us. One would have to be blind - or willfully ignorant - not to notice. [A long read, but well worth the effort!]

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