My heart goes out to the people suffering in Venezuela... - Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many Americans realize that a large majority of them talk perpetually about food...what they're cooking, what they have eaten, what they like/don't like, etc..etc.. I also wonder if they realize how ignorant they look to a large part of the rest of the world when doing so (sorry, but ignorance is a trait of everyone, just as their noses or thumbs are, in spite of how hard they may be trying not to be ignorant); Especially given many of their very poor diets, skyrocketing Diabetes (even in Children - something I think should be dealt with by the law just as diligently as parents who smoke in the car with their children in the back and the windows up, for example, because the parents obviously have their heads where the sun doesn't shine). How about realizing their obvious (to some of us) lack of compassion for, say, those friends they know (on FB, for example) who live in countries where people don't have the option to be so 'ignorant' and gluttonous. It truly is tragic to witness. I'd really like to see America return to the great, successful nation that not only is knowledgeable about wholesome, healthy things...but also demonstrates that knowledge. I have a great idea... How about exercising and going the extra mile to prepare healthy foods. How about caring a bit more about your health (AND YOUR CHILDRENS' AS WELL) since, no matter how wealthy you are, how famous, popular, etc...if you die, you will not live long enough to enjoy any of that (and because your children shouldn't have to suffer from your laziness or lack of self-discipline). There is another good idea below - something for you to read (For those feeling particularly guilty, you may want to take a look at the rest of the books on that page, as well...) Oh, and you can curse and ridicule me, call me names and treat me like crap...but, in the end, you know I am right...and I am trying to save your life... :)