Friday, January 18, 2019

This is a revealing and fairly accurate perspective - IMHO, after living there for many years - of contemporary China with respect to the government but not necessarily the people (perhaps, only those still susceptible to Chinese propaganda). I would liken it, very closely, to the situation in the United States where the government has recently appeared to follow a similar path, where most Americans who are aware reject it and where those who are clearly unaware seem to support it; The latter seeming to be uneducated or intentionally participating Republican supporters who are trying to sustain a wholly unacceptable past-tense version of America. It is a very dangerous, regressive (rather than progressive) path to follow.

This is a revealing and fairly accurate perspective - IMHO, after living there for many years - of contemporary China with respect to the government but not necessarily the people (perhaps, only those still susceptible to Chinese propaganda). I would liken it, very closely, to the situation in the United States where the government has recently appeared to follow a similar path, where most Americans who are aware reject it and where those who are clearly unaware seem to support it; The latter seeming to be uneducated or intentionally participating Republican supporters who are trying to sustain a wholly unacceptable past-tense version of America. It is a very dangerous, regressive (rather than progressive) path to follow. - Regular Sinocism readers are no doubt familiar with John Garnaut, one of the top journalists covering China before he joined the Australian government, first as a speech writer for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and then as a China policy advisor. John led the Australian government’s analysis of ...

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