I'm sure no relatively intelligent person ever needed any more reasons not to read the National Enquirer, but they are the prime example of 'Fake News'. Oddly enough, they've been promoting Trump for years and, in case you needed any more evidence of how full of BS they are (much like Trump, himself), their publisher is now, along with Cohen and despite hyping Trump for years, about to turn over evidence against him. Here's an article from back at the beginning of 2017 (only the ridiculously misinformed would still support this poor excuse for a President, let alone human being) clearly indicating the ridiculousness of just about every word he has said since taking office. After all, if it's in the Enquirer, it's GOT to be true, right? ๐คจ There's only one way to repair the damage the people did by putting this moron in the White House and salvage their reputations (if at all possible) - and that's to do everything they can to remove him. The alternative is to bury yourself in silence while hiding your true opinion, and painfully watch as this train wreck ensures the end of the Republican Party. Let's just hope the people apply some balance and don't give the Democrats too much power either (since there is no benefit to be gained by trusting politicians). If the people are smart, they will start applying more effort in their research, act a bit more responsibly and learn to govern themselves. It's either that...or a lifetime of suffering at the whims of people who care about as much about others as the electorate does (seemingly, very little). When you care about nobody but yourself, you get politicians who care about nobody but themselves. People must set the example they want their politicians to follow, since they are 'of the people'. It is ridiculous to try and hold them to a different standard than the one to which we hold ourselves. This is just common sense - you know, that thing that is becoming extinct. - First Donald Trump got an endorsement from the tabloids. Now he’s getting a mouthpiece.
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