I am neither a Communist nor a Capitalist, since I believe that the ideal system for successful human life (for all people) consists of a balanced measure of both these things...Communism and Capitalism, given that Capitalism has become little more than 'white-collar crime and hedonism' and Communism is, largely, a path to creating a vacuum of leadership often and soon inhabited by dictators. I am also neither a Conservative nor a Liberal, since I believe that, for the most part, Conservatives are trying to capture the past in a sustained moment or 'stop time' (an impossibility - since life is dynamic by nature) and Liberals are often uninterested in personal responsibility (often, a mask for hedonism, as well) and the rule of law (sound ethics - something thrown under the bus a long time ago) since the lack of ethical debate has stifled our ability to dynamically update legal system - and 'religion' (something of a Conservative effect, as well). I am a thinking man - a philosopher - a Progressive. After all, if we are not making progress (for example, being stuck in an endless standoff between two failing systems - Capitalism and Communism) then what, in fact, are we doing? I suspect we are doing nothing of value and nothing that will result in effective change. Having said this, here is an article that I would suggest everyone read - despite the brainwashing people in the West may have received in a Capitalist, Conservative classroom and while tempering themselves...if they are prone to radical Liberalism. There are good things here - truths that cannot be denied. However, there is still the fact that this is not the answer to all things - it is merely an important part of the discussion that can, in my opinion, lead to more effective, progressive change. What do we lose by reading? Who knows, we may even have an epiphany! ;) - Social justice movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo embody his critical spirit.
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