International Space Station Transits the Full Moon - The International Space Station, with a crew of six onboard, is seen in silhouette as it transits the moon at roughly five miles per second on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Eroded Layers in Shalbatana Valles
Eroded Layers in Shalbatana Valles - Layers, probably sedimentary in origin, have undergone extensive erosion in this image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) of Shalbatana Valles, a prominent channel that cuts through Xanthe Terra.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
It's really not looking good for Trump and his 'cronies'. Due to his ignorance, it's possible he just hooked up with the wrong crowd, however, he'll still be extremely fortunate if he manages to escape the divine justice of the Russia probe without being scarred for life, himself. There is no question, whatsoever, that he has been fooling around with all the wrong people. That's what you get for letting business run the country...much like when you allow lobbyists in Washington D. C. - and it shouldn't take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to figure that out! A long and very informative article, but well worth the read...

It's really not looking good for Trump and his 'cronies'. Due to his ignorance, it's possible he just hooked up with the wrong crowd, however, he'll still be extremely fortunate if he manages to escape the divine justice of the Russia probe without being scarred for life, himself. There is no question, whatsoever, that he has been fooling around with all the wrong people. That's what you get for letting business run the country...much like when you allow lobbyists in Washington D. C. - and it shouldn't take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to figure that out! A long and very informative article, but well worth the read... - Decades before he ran the Trump campaign, one lobbyist’s pursuit of foreign cash and shady deals laid the groundwork for the corruption of Washington.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Mark Vande Hei's 'Space-Selfie'
Mark Vande Hei's 'Space-Selfie' - On Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018, spacewalker Mark Vande Hei snapped his own portrait, better known as a “space-selfie,” during the first spacewalk of the year.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Day of Remembrance 2018
Day of Remembrance 2018 - On the last Thursday in January, NASA pays tribute to the crews of Apollo 1 and space shuttles Challenger and Columbia, as well as other NASA colleagues who lost their lives while furthering the cause of exploration and discovery.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Next Mars Lander Spreads Its Solar Wings
Next Mars Lander Spreads Its Solar Wings - This image shows NASA's InSight lander after it was commanded to deploy its solar arrays to test and verify the exact process that it will use on the surface of the Red Planet.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Signs of Ships in the Clouds
Signs of Ships in the Clouds - Ships churning through the Atlantic Ocean produced this patchwork of bright, criss-crossing cloud trails off the coast of Portugal and Spain.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Prepping the Parker Solar Probe for Space
Prepping the Parker Solar Probe for Space - At NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the Parker Solar Probe is lowered into the 40-foot-tall thermal vacuum chamber. The thermal vacuum chamber simulates the harsh conditions that the spacecraft will experience on its journey through space, including near-vacuum conditions and severe hot and cold....
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Jupiter’s Swirling South Pole
Jupiter’s Swirling South Pole - This image of Jupiter’s swirling south polar region was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft as it neared completion of its tenth close flyby of the gas giant planet.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Even in the Desert
Even in the Desert - For the second time in three years, snow has accumulated in the desert near the northern Algerian town of Aïn Séfra.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Three of the 'Thirty-Five New Guys'
Three of the 'Thirty-Five New Guys' - On January 16, 1978, NASA announces the first astronaut class in nine years, which included the first African Americans.
Monday, January 15, 2018
And there you go! 🤟😊

And there you go! 🤟😊 - “What would a world with no borders look like?”

- January 8, 2017 - Warming temperatures off the coasts of Australia may be having a devastating effect on green sea turtle populations by turning almost all their offspring into females. Sex in sea turtles is determined by the heat of the sand the eggs incubate in. As temperatures rise due to climate...
Sage advice for would-be (and current) investors... ;)

Sage advice for would-be (and current) investors... ;) - Over the weekend, the New York Times published a satirical article entitled “Everyone is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not.” That headline perfectly encapsulates the ‘Fear of Missing Out’, or…
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Tired of the insanity? (If not, maybe you've already been assimilated)...

Tired of the insanity? (If not, maybe you've already been assimilated)... - If we stand together against powerful special interests we can eliminate poverty, increase life expectancy and tackle climate change, writes US senator Bernie Sanders
Friday, January 12, 2018

- What a great way to spend a few minutes... (y) For those of a 'philosophical mind', I would say this article should not be missed. It is a very well-written account, in my humble opinion, of the 'evolution' (or 'devolution') of philosophy from the early times until contemporary times without the extra baggage of debating philosophical theories or the works of the great philosophers, themselves. It may, in fact, also have much to do with why moral and ethical standards are seemingly mandated by religious doctrine now, rather than independent, philosophical thought. This direction, in my opinion (and according to the incredible amount of inter-religious violence and negativity), was quite a dangerous path to tread - given that religious doctrine itself is, largely, a matter of philosophical understanding (or interpretation). However, we are all entitled to our own opinions! What is your opinion? ____________________________________________________________ "The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost the power of reasoning." -- Voltaire “Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.” ― Voltaire "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall - Though attributed to Voltaire, the last quote was not his. It was a poorly sourced quote, yet, just as valid! -
Jupiter’s Colorful Cloud Belts
Jupiter’s Colorful Cloud Belts - Colorful swirling cloud belts dominate Jupiter’s southern hemisphere in this image captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
All the Glittering Stars
All the Glittering Stars - A new analysis of about 10,000 normal Sun-like stars in the Milky Way's galactic bulge reveals that our galaxy's hub is a dynamic environment.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Now This: The Apollo 11 Crew
Now This: The Apollo 11 Crew - On Jan. 9, 1969, NASA announced the prime crew of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. This portrait was taken on Jan. 10, the day after the announcement of the crew assignment. From left to right are lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, commander Neil Armstrong; and command module pilot Michael Collins.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Some people just don't get it. It's usually the ones who live in debt and/or don't have any money. Those who do are either 'in on the hustle' or wise, frugal and play their cards quietly, honestly and very close to their chest (somwhow, I fear there are far too few of these sort of people). ____________________ "Even as President Donald Trump and Republican leaders seem set on a course to weaken Obama-administration consumer protection regulations, a soon-to-be-published study reports that 7.3% of financial advisors in the United States have been cited for abuses." "By examining this data in detail, they found that financial misconduct is widespread within the financial industry, with one in 12 financial advisors in the U.S. censured for abuses." "The researchers found that when it comes to misconduct, not all firms are created equal. Oppenheimer & Co. had 20% of its advisors with a past record of misconduct, First Allied Securities had 18%, and Wells Fargo had 15%." ____________________ And people still trust the wealthy to conduct our affairs. How do you think they got that way? "Things that make ya' go 'Hmm...'! 😉
Some people just don't get it. It's usually the ones who live in debt and/or don't have any money. Those who do are either 'in on the hustle' or wise, frugal and play their cards quietly, honestly and very close to their chest (somwhow, I fear there are far too few of these sort of people). ____________________ "Even as President Donald Trump and Republican leaders seem set on a course to weaken Obama-administration consumer protection regulations, a soon-to-be-published study reports that 7.3% of financial advisors in the United States have been cited for abuses." "By examining this data in detail, they found that financial misconduct is widespread within the financial industry, with one in 12 financial advisors in the U.S. censured for abuses." "The researchers found that when it comes to misconduct, not all firms are created equal. Oppenheimer & Co. had 20% of its advisors with a past record of misconduct, First Allied Securities had 18%, and Wells Fargo had 15%." ____________________ And people still trust the wealthy to conduct our affairs. How do you think they got that way? "Things that make ya' go 'Hmm...'! 😉 - Even as President Donald Trump and Republican leaders seem set on a course to weaken Obama-administration consumer protection regulations, a soon-to-be-published study reports that 7.3 percent of financial advisors in the United States have been cited for abuses.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Veil of Ice
Veil of Ice - Saturn’s rings, made of countless icy particles, form a translucent veil in this view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
I wonder how Trent Reznor is feeling about this...(LoL!)
I wonder how Trent Reznor is feeling about this...(LoL!) - If a show has the words "Muppets" or "Jim Henson" in the title you know it's going to feature some really awesome puppets, and the late 90s successor to The Muppet Show called Muppets Tonight was no exception.Muppets Tonight introduced us to cool characters like the Nine Inch Snails, an all-gastropo...
Perspective... [*Adult Language - NSFW*]

Perspective... [*Adult Language - NSFW*] - I'm Not Racist...
Saturday, January 6, 2018
He certainly isn't making America great again, but...No matter WHAT causes America to read again - I'll TAKE IT! 😊👍
He certainly isn't making America great again, but...No matter WHAT causes America to read again - I'll TAKE IT! 😊👍 - Could Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” a blistering account of the first year of the Trump White House, be enough to get the president — and the rest of America — to turn off their TVs and open a book?
Friday, January 5, 2018
Thursday, January 4, 2018

- Don't be fooled by these fools. I've already called the Dept. Of Commerce and Dallas FBI offices on them MANY times when they've tried to scam Veterans (like myself) by offering grants and loans which were bogus or have attempted to scam me in some other ridiculous way. These people are shameless morons with double standards - who would be fuming and broken if the same thing were to happen to them or their families. Three things you can do: First, be sure you have prodded them for as much information as you can. Second, don't believe anyone who tries to get you to pay them off with reward/gift cards (how idiotic!) or asks for your personal/financial information. Third, give them 'the business' in the most profane, unkind way and, when they realize you're on to them, they'll try to do the same thing in return, cementing their guilt (besides, it's rather funny listening to them struggle to use English profanity...since they fail). That's when you hang up...or vent - your call! ;) Then, if you have a number or other information, call the Dept. Of Commerce.
Though I am not a liberal, this is a very insightful (and somewhat funny) article that pretty much explains the difference between city-dwelling people and country folk. It's worth noting that, as the world evolves and the population increases (and it will), the likelihood of conservatives gaining and liberals fading will be about as possible as Trump being elected to another term. It just isn't going to happen... Conservatives might want to realize that the world can never be what it was before. Time moves forward and life is dynamic and progressive, even if we do take two steps back every once in a while. It might be a good idea to read this article in order to understand - and then adapt accordingly - before being left behind like catsh*t in a littlerbox. ;)
Though I am not a liberal, this is a very insightful (and somewhat funny) article that pretty much explains the difference between city-dwelling people and country folk. It's worth noting that, as the world evolves and the population increases (and it will), the likelihood of conservatives gaining and liberals fading will be about as possible as Trump being elected to another term. It just isn't going to happen... Conservatives might want to realize that the world can never be what it was before. Time moves forward and life is dynamic and progressive, even if we do take two steps back every once in a while. It might be a good idea to read this article in order to understand - and then adapt accordingly - before being left behind like catsh*t in a littlerbox. ;) - If you aren't a liberal when you get to the big city, you might be before the year is up.
Geocolor Image From NOAA's GOES-16 Satellite of Powerful East Coast Storm
Geocolor Image From NOAA's GOES-16 Satellite of Powerful East Coast Storm - This Geocolor image from NOAA's GOES-16 satellite captures the deepening storm off the East coast of the United States on Jan. 4, 2018, at 16:22 UTC. The powerful nor'easter is battering coastal areas with heavy snow and strong winds, from Florida to Maine.
Well, this isn't exactly the way I was hoping to start out the New Year. I've been sick as a dog for a week now from this plague-like flu sweeping D/FW...and I haven't had the flu for so long I can't remember! Anyway, it is wiping me out and it sure doesn't help that we've got freezing temps and our central air and heat went out. I'm sure I'll manage to power through it...and I have a wonderful, patient, attentive wife who is taking very good care of me (我爱你, Liwa!) Building lots of fires in the fireplace...and praying this flu goes away soon! I don't want to be the next guy on this list:

Well, this isn't exactly the way I was hoping to start out the New Year. I've been sick as a dog for a week now from this plague-like flu sweeping D/FW...and I haven't had the flu for so long I can't remember! Anyway, it is wiping me out and it sure doesn't help that we've got freezing temps and our central air and heat went out. I'm sure I'll manage to power through it...and I have a wonderful, patient, attentive wife who is taking very good care of me (我爱你, Liwa!) Building lots of fires in the fireplace...and praying this flu goes away soon! I don't want to be the next guy on this list: - Dallas County Health officials late afternoon reported its sixth flu related death this season-- even as doctors warn that the worst is likely yet to come.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
"This round of genocide brought to you by the Trump Administration and America’s Oil and mining companies."

"This round of genocide brought to you by the Trump Administration and America’s Oil and mining companies." - A fresh effort to pry more land from the indigenous people of the United States is on the Trump regime’s agenda. Behind the idea is yet another of the centuries-long rip-offs of Indian land and destruction of tribes. The real benefits of the...
First, they threw all the bankers that were looting the people, government and everyone else in the slammer during the financial crisis - and now, they are giving women parity in the workforce. Isn't it a damned shame when a country that's a frozen little piece of tundra with far more issues than America 'pimp slaps' the so-called 'greatest economy on Earth'...repeatedly? Go, Iceland! Maybe the idiots running this country will learn something - if they don't go to prison first! ;)

First, they threw all the bankers that were looting the people, government and everyone else in the slammer during the financial crisis - and now, they are giving women parity in the workforce. Isn't it a damned shame when a country that's a frozen little piece of tundra with far more issues than America 'pimp slaps' the so-called 'greatest economy on Earth'...repeatedly? Go, Iceland! Maybe the idiots running this country will learn something - if they don't go to prison first! ;) - Over here in the United States, women are still struggling for the right to not have their boss dictate whether they have health insurance coverage for their birth control. In Iceland, instead of fighting like mad to not slide back into a real-life The...
He turns on his enemies, he turns on his friends, he has the morality and loyalty of an investment banker (none). Let's just sit back and see who Trump is going to stab in the neck next! (I truly pity anyone who voted for this subhuman) And now, Washington D. C, has turned into a big WWF match between subhumans battling each other to see who can body-slam the other the hardest. It is an embarrassment to live in this country anymore and, even more, horrifying to imagine what could be occurring while we are all tuned into this Jerry Springer Presidency. The only thing about things being so utterly terrible is...they can only get better. Maybe that will happen when this boil on the ass of America has been lanced. Have a happy 2018! ;)
He turns on his enemies, he turns on his friends, he has the morality and loyalty of an investment banker (none). Let's just sit back and see who Trump is going to stab in the neck next! (I truly pity anyone who voted for this subhuman) And now, Washington D. C, has turned into a big WWF match between subhumans battling each other to see who can body-slam the other the hardest. It is an embarrassment to live in this country anymore and, even more, horrifying to imagine what could be occurring while we are all tuned into this Jerry Springer Presidency. The only thing about things being so utterly terrible is...they can only get better. Maybe that will happen when this boil on the ass of America has been lanced. Have a happy 2018! ;) - Even more important than the headline-grabbing insults and accusations pinging between the President and his former chief strategist is Bannon's logical, cold-eyed recognition that prosecutors are likely building a case based on alleged financial misdeeds of high-level Trump associates, writes Errol...
From Mercury Mark II to Project Gemini
From Mercury Mark II to Project Gemini - On Jan. 3, 1962, the newly announced Mercury Mark II project was renamed Project Gemini. This artist's concept of a two-person Gemini spacecraft in flight shows a cutaway view.
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