Wednesday, November 29, 2017

- I'd have to say...this is fairly 'spot-on'... (Beware!) (y)

- Is this what Earth will look like after humans are done wrecking it and have gone?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

- Do not make the mistake of the ignorant who think that an individualist is a man who says: “I’ll do as I please at everybody else’s expense.” An individualist is a man who recognizes the inalienable individual rights of man - his own and those of others. An individualist is a man who says: “I will not run anyone’s life - nor let anyone run mine. I will not rule nor be ruled. I will not be a master nor a slave. I will not sacrifice myself to anyone - nor sacrifice anyone to myself." - Ayn Rand

A Proving Ground in Space

A Proving Ground in Space -  

Monday, November 27, 2017

After further reflection of this article (and the resulting comments), I had an epiphany. I think that the problem (of which the essence of this article is definitely a part) is far more complex than people both presume it to be and possess the depth of mind to understand (myself included - after all, I am no different than anyone else, I just point out what I see and add to the pool so that I might help others see a few more of the complexities). Which brings me to another one I noticed... This problem I've noticed has a lot to do with the ability of urban-dwelling people to understand the complexities of living in a highly-populated city and its resulting requirements - which is far different than the frequent inability of rural people to notice the same, due to their more simple, spacious, low-pressure, sparsely populated life. It is very common to see rural people to be Republican and for urban dwelling people to be Democrat. It is also common to see wealthy Republican people who may live in the populated city to be aloof to those who struggle there and either not well-liked by the general population or spending all their free time with those other such people who find themselves in the same situation (and are usually fair-weather friends, not real ones). Meanwhile, those who live in urban areas who are not wealthy are often helpful to one-another as much as they are able since they share a common struggle - even when they do not really know each other. So, I suppose it is easier to sit far from the massively-populated city (not a small town) in a rural area and point fingers at people who try to share the resources, wealth, benefits and ability to survive, or to live in the massively-populated city with boatloads of cash (avoiding those you are causing anguish to, those who are struggling, by hoarding it) - as many Republicans seem to do - than it is to live among a great many people who are all struggling and to try to work together for the benefit of all while making personal sacrifices to allow that to happen (as Democrats often do - at least, Social Democrats. Not those DINO Neo-Con Democrats, like Clinton). Then again, what would I know? (You have no idea!) 😉👍

After further reflection of this article (and the resulting comments), I had an epiphany. I think that the problem (of which the essence of this article is definitely a part) is far more complex than people both presume it to be and possess the depth of mind to understand (myself included - after all, I am no different than anyone else, I just point out what I see and add to the pool so that I might help others see a few more of the complexities). Which brings me to another one I noticed... This problem I've noticed has a lot to do with the ability of urban-dwelling people to understand the complexities of living in a highly-populated city and its resulting requirements - which is far different than the frequent inability of rural people to notice the same, due to their more simple, spacious, low-pressure, sparsely populated life. It is very common to see rural people to be Republican and for urban dwelling people to be Democrat. It is also common to see wealthy Republican people who may live in the populated city to be aloof to those who struggle there and either not well-liked by the general population or spending all their free time with those other such people who find themselves in the same situation (and are usually fair-weather friends, not real ones). Meanwhile, those who live in urban areas who are not wealthy are often helpful to one-another as much as they are able since they share a common struggle - even when they do not really know each other. So, I suppose it is easier to sit far from the massively-populated city (not a small town) in a rural area and point fingers at people who try to share the resources, wealth, benefits and ability to survive, or to live in the massively-populated city with boatloads of cash (avoiding those you are causing anguish to, those who are struggling, by hoarding it) - as many Republicans seem to do - than it is to live among a great many people who are all struggling and to try to work together for the benefit of all while making personal sacrifices to allow that to happen (as Democrats often do - at least, Social Democrats. Not those DINO Neo-Con Democrats, like Clinton). Then again, what would I know? (You have no idea!) 😉👍 - Pretty damned accurate...and I've been to more than a few corners of this planet...and have seen a Hell of a lot more than people see on their idiot boxes, hear from lying politicians, opportunistic preachers with ill intent and discuss among their geographically sedentary social groups for reasons of posturing and acceptance. At what cost? The Truth? Your Soul? Too high a price for me...

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega -  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

This article will give you something to think about! 🤔

This article will give you something to think about! 🤔 - Everyone knows what it feels like to have consciousness: it's that self-evident sense of personal awareness, which gives us a feeling of ownership and control over the thoughts, emotions and experiences that we have every day.

Let's GO! 👍

Let's GO! 👍 - James Webb, the orbital telescope that will replace Hubble, has completed a crucial 90-day cryogenic test phase.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

I have always found it interesting when people say that they "believe in science but not religion". In my humble opinion and in many ways, there is little difference between the two. That is the reason I have always pursued knowledge of all kinds and have been very careful to avoid the arrogance of making definitive claims. There are few things, in my mind, that differentiate the two (science and religion), at least in some degree. One is the belief that scientific theory (not much different than religious faith in a 'divine' idea) can be proved through experiments; That is, when an effective idea for experimentation can be conceived and realized. However, even then, there have been many scientific 'facts' (theories supposedly proved through experimentation) that have later turned out to be false and/or debunked. I suspect that scientific theory is, in and of itself, another 'version' of religion - albeit one that doesn't deal with divinity and supreme beings. It tends to rely more on the achievements of humans, inasmuch as they are able to create from and understand the materials with which they share their existence. Scientific fact, well...that is still a very unreliable claim in many cases (the main one being mentioned above) and, like all things in a world plagued with unethical, self-serving, capitalistic people (including scientists), there are many other reasons why one should be critical of 'scientific fact. So, I suppose all we have available to us is faith - be it in the divine...or in the accomplishments, honesty and reliability of human achievement (which often leaves much to be desired). After all, we are only as capable of measuring faith as the tools we have to work with allow us to be 0 whether they are lab equipment, books, hearts and/or minds (minds being the things that are best kept open). 😊👍 Here is an interesting article:

I have always found it interesting when people say that they "believe in science but not religion". In my humble opinion and in many ways, there is little difference between the two. That is the reason I have always pursued knowledge of all kinds and have been very careful to avoid the arrogance of making definitive claims. There are few things, in my mind, that differentiate the two (science and religion), at least in some degree. One is the belief that scientific theory (not much different than religious faith in a 'divine' idea) can be proved through experiments; That is, when an effective idea for experimentation can be conceived and realized. However, even then, there have been many scientific 'facts' (theories supposedly proved through experimentation) that have later turned out to be false and/or debunked. I suspect that scientific theory is, in and of itself, another 'version' of religion - albeit one that doesn't deal with divinity and supreme beings. It tends to rely more on the achievements of humans, inasmuch as they are able to create from and understand the materials with which they share their existence. Scientific fact, well...that is still a very unreliable claim in many cases (the main one being mentioned above) and, like all things in a world plagued with unethical, self-serving, capitalistic people (including scientists), there are many other reasons why one should be critical of 'scientific fact. So, I suppose all we have available to us is faith - be it in the divine...or in the accomplishments, honesty and reliability of human achievement (which often leaves much to be desired). After all, we are only as capable of measuring faith as the tools we have to work with allow us to be 0 whether they are lab equipment, books, hearts and/or minds (minds being the things that are best kept open). 😊👍 Here is an interesting article: - We can demonstrate, suggest, and convince ourselves that a scientific truth is valid. But proof? That's an impossibility for science.

Friday, November 24, 2017

It's a damned shame...the things politicians (and the corporations who own them) do to get their Draconic, authoritarian, plutocratic laws passed. At least we're wise enough now to realize that it's probably BS...when it smells like BS. Laws like this should never pass. Laws like the 'Patriot Act should also never pass. It's no wonder the world is becoming more Orwellian by the day. When you don't want people to do bad things with the tools available to them, such as the Internet - an educational resource that is far more valuable than anything in the history of human education (when used properly), you don't censor it, monitor it like a bunch of paranoid idiots and try to manipulate it for illicit capitalistic reasons or use it as a tool to punish and imprison people (that's what countries like China, Iran and other theocracies, communist regimes and criminal governments do). What you do is set an example of tolerance, strong self-discipline, ethics and promote practical, constructive use (things that are, sadly, completely alien to nearly every politician in this country) and keep it free and open. And, as the general population becomes further uneducated, they just seem to go along with whatever these creepy political and corporate criminals promote. It will not end well and, if it does, it certainly won't be as a result of what these people are doing - it will be as a result of the antithesis of this stupidity. Don't let it happen... ;)

It's a damned shame...the things politicians (and the corporations who own them) do to get their Draconic, authoritarian, plutocratic laws passed. At least we're wise enough now to realize that it's probably BS...when it smells like BS. Laws like this should never pass. Laws like the 'Patriot Act should also never pass. It's no wonder the world is becoming more Orwellian by the day. When you don't want people to do bad things with the tools available to them, such as the Internet - an educational resource that is far more valuable than anything in the history of human education (when used properly), you don't censor it, monitor it like a bunch of paranoid idiots and try to manipulate it for illicit capitalistic reasons or use it as a tool to punish and imprison people (that's what countries like China, Iran and other theocracies, communist regimes and criminal governments do). What you do is set an example of tolerance, strong self-discipline, ethics and promote practical, constructive use (things that are, sadly, completely alien to nearly every politician in this country) and keep it free and open. And, as the general population becomes further uneducated, they just seem to go along with whatever these creepy political and corporate criminals promote. It will not end well and, if it does, it certainly won't be as a result of what these people are doing - it will be as a result of the antithesis of this stupidity. Don't let it happen... ;) - I used natural language processing techniques to analyze net neutrality comments submitted to the FCC from April-October 2017, and the…

Star Wanders Too Close to a Black Hole

Star Wanders Too Close to a Black Hole -  

Monday, November 20, 2017

Here's a fascinating, sobering, frightening, depressing, interesting and very useful resource for those who want to take a broader look at history. You never know, you might just learn a few things! ;)

Here's a fascinating, sobering, frightening, depressing, interesting and very useful resource for those who want to take a broader look at history. You never know, you might just learn a few things! ;) - Visit this site for History Timelines of famous people, places and events. Fast facts and information for students, children & kids via the history timelines. History and Timelines provide a record of events in the order of their occurrence.

Behold! Observing the Sun

Behold! Observing the Sun -  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

- "They might have guns, but we have flowers." (via NowThis)

🦃Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget what you have to be thankful for and, if you can manage, try to remember there are many who are far less fortunate know...try to do a little something for them, as well (even if it's just trying to convince your country not to bomb the $#!+ out of theirs anymore). 🤘😊

🦃Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget what you have to be thankful for and, if you can manage, try to remember there are many who are far less fortunate know...try to do a little something for them, as well (even if it's just trying to convince your country not to bomb the $#!+ out of theirs anymore). 🤘😊 - “50,000 Yemeni children could die by the end of this year in what will be “the largest famine the world has seen in many decades."”

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Just a few friendly reminders... ^_^

Just a few friendly reminders... ^_^ - There are a million. Here are a few to get you started.

This could be HUGE... 👍

This could be HUGE... 👍 - A collaboration of engineers and researchers has found a way to prevent helium, a byproduct of the fusion reaction, from weakening nuclear fusion reactors.

(No, this is not 'A Night at the Roxbury'...) ;)

(No, this is not 'A Night at the Roxbury'...) ;) - Understanding love is the first step towards mastering love and relationships.

Oh yeah... ;)

Oh yeah... ;) - Includes 3CDs, a Blu-ray Audio disc with new 5.1 surround mix, plus four 180g LPs.

Friday, November 17, 2017

- "He was never crazy. He just didn't let his heart settle in a cage. He was born wild, and sometimes we need people like him. For it's the horrors in his heart which cause the flame in ours. And he was always willing to burn for everything he has ever loved." - R. M. Drake Thanks for the post, Andy Maxwell! (y)

- Wow! ..

Jovian Tempest

Jovian Tempest -  

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

- Here's a great article... ;)

- T'was a sad day indeed...

Still one of my favorites... 😎 (This is a very good cover!) Lyrics: Nine Inch Nails - 'Something I Can Never Have' I still recall the taste of your tears Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore Scraping through my head till I don't wanna sleep anymore You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go away I just want something I just want something I can never have You always were the one to show me how Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now This thing is slowly taking me apart Gray would be the color if I had a heart Come on and tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go away I just want something I just want something I can never have In this place it seems like such a shame Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same Everywhere I look you're all I see Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be Come on and tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make it all go way I just want something I just want something I can never have I just want something I can never have

Still one of my favorites... 😎 (This is a very good cover!) Lyrics: Nine Inch Nails - 'Something I Can Never Have' I still recall the taste of your tears Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore Scraping through my head till I don't wanna sleep anymore You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go away I just want something I just want something I can never have You always were the one to show me how Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now This thing is slowly taking me apart Gray would be the color if I had a heart Come on and tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go away I just want something I just want something I can never have In this place it seems like such a shame Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same Everywhere I look you're all I see Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be Come on and tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make it all go way I just want something I just want something I can never have I just want something I can never have - Track 5 from the album Kindred Spirits (2012). All copyrights belong to their respective owners. "Fair use" material for criticism or commentary.

How to See the Atmosphere

How to See the Atmosphere -  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Worth reading! 🤔

Worth reading! 🤔 - The transparency organization asked the president’s son for his cooperation—in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia’s ambassador to the United States.

Straight up AWESOME! 👩‍🏫 🧠 Take those idiots to school, bay-bee! ☺️

Straight up AWESOME! 👩‍🏫 🧠 Take those idiots to school, bay-bee! ☺️ - Last week, Congresswoman Suzan Delbene (D-Wash) slam-dunked the GOP and their infamous GOP/Trump Tax Plan, that allowed much of America to witness the hypocrisy and dishonesty behind the plan, and realize to whom that #GOPTaxScam would actually...

Mariner 9 Sees Shield Volcano on Mars

Mariner 9 Sees Shield Volcano on Mars -  

Monday, November 13, 2017

That's Entertainment! 😁

That's Entertainment! 😁 -

Want a Matrix motorcycle? 😉✌️

Want a Matrix motorcycle? 😉✌️ - Keanu Reeves gives Wired a tour of Arch Motorcycle, where he and co-founder Gard Hollinger build and design totally custom bikes with the help of virtual rea...

Our Living Earth ... From Space

Our Living Earth ... From Space -  

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A very plausible possibility...given the present inequality as well as a widespread lack of ethics. 🤔

A very plausible possibility...given the present inequality as well as a widespread lack of ethics. 🤔 - The coming fight over revolutionary biotech.

This is a must-read - if you don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat-wearing idiot... ;)

This is a must-read - if you don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat-wearing idiot... ;) - Can you tell the difference between fake and real news?

Liftoff! Orbital Antares Rocket Launches From Wallops Flight Facility

Liftoff! Orbital Antares Rocket Launches From Wallops Flight Facility -  

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Interesting cross-cultural exchange...

Interesting cross-cultural exchange... - For more than a century she has been known as the woman behind the throne, the empress who through skill and circumstance rose from lowly imperial consort to iron-fisted ruler of China at a time and in a place when women were believed to have no power at all.

According to this article, the new GOP Tax Plan is a real 'Cook Soaker'...but I coulda' told you that! 😉 (In fact, I did - a few posts ago!)

According to this article, the new GOP Tax Plan is a real 'Cook Soaker'...but I coulda' told you that! 😉 (In fact, I did - a few posts ago!) - Ending a deduction that benefits university workers is even worse than people think, say two tax experts.

- Thanks to all my brothers and sisters out there who kept it real during good times and bad! "The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war!"

- Here's a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of science and the Universe: ^_^ (y) "NASA TV airs a variety of regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day on its various channels. Programs include "NASA Gallery", which features photographs and video from NASA's history; "Video File", which broadcasts 'b-roll' footage for news and media outlets; "Education File", which provides special programming for schools; "NASA Edge" and "NASA 360", hosted programs that focus on different aspects of NASA; and "This Week @ NASA", which shows news from NASA centers around the country. Live ISS coverage and related commentary is aired daily at 11 a.m. EST and repeats throughout the day. The network also provides an array of live programming, such as 24-hour coverage of Space Shuttle missions, ISS events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences and rocket launches. "

Friday, November 10, 2017

Anyone who approves of the Republican Tax Plan is an utterly uneducated lunatic. If you don't understand why, then read/watch this below. You will be letting corporations (the ones who already take all your hard-earned cash and underpay you) walk away scott-free again, keeping all their tax breaks and deductions - even while they close up shop here and outsource/relocate their businesses abroad, yet, teachers who still don't get paid fairly are not even able to write off the materials and supplies they buy out of their own poorly lined pockets as tax deductions; This, despite the fact that they are supplying these things because their employers and the government will not do so and while corporations are taking jobs out of the country because they would rather save money than educate the people in their very own country. And you would reward them for it while punishing those who martyr themselves here to (try to) provide educations for your children? That is merely the tip of the iceberg...the one that is going to fall squarely on the heads of American taxpayers who are ignorant enough to approve of this financial scam...and their children...and their grandchildren...and their aging parents...and everyone else except the ones who can both afford it and should be paying for it. It would be another epic mistake of Trumpian proportions. Haven't you suffered enough already? You may think it doesn't affect you directly, but that is because you probably don't know a damned thing about economics (if you would approve of this crime). Just...don't do it...

Anyone who approves of the Republican Tax Plan is an utterly uneducated lunatic. If you don't understand why, then read/watch this below. You will be letting corporations (the ones who already take all your hard-earned cash and underpay you) walk away scott-free again, keeping all their tax breaks and deductions - even while they close up shop here and outsource/relocate their businesses abroad, yet, teachers who still don't get paid fairly are not even able to write off the materials and supplies they buy out of their own poorly lined pockets as tax deductions; This, despite the fact that they are supplying these things because their employers and the government will not do so and while corporations are taking jobs out of the country because they would rather save money than educate the people in their very own country. And you would reward them for it while punishing those who martyr themselves here to (try to) provide educations for your children? That is merely the tip of the iceberg...the one that is going to fall squarely on the heads of American taxpayers who are ignorant enough to approve of this financial scam...and their children...and their grandchildren...and their aging parents...and everyone else except the ones who can both afford it and should be paying for it. It would be another epic mistake of Trumpian proportions. Haven't you suffered enough already? You may think it doesn't affect you directly, but that is because you probably don't know a damned thing about economics (if you would approve of this crime). Just...don't do it... - Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-Wash) remarkably exposes the GOP Tax “Scam” this week while triumphantly leaving Republicans no choice but to admit their self-serving agenda. Here is Delbene’s most recent facebook lede above the video, followed by an...

The man that should have been President - and the only one still doing his job. 🤟

The man that should have been President - and the only one still doing his job. 🤟 - Donna Brazile exposed the rot. It’s time we come together to enact real reform—only then can we defeat Donald Trump and retake the country.

Truth! Also, this is the age of global alliances (so...why not ally the entire globe and do away with war?). There are no unilateral wars anymore that are successful and are free of the terrible price those unilaterally acting nations will have to pay in the future. (like terminal financial debt and ever-increasing costs to sustain their military so that this karma doesn't come back to them and lead to their destruction). In for a penny, in for a pound! Something to think about... 🤔

Truth! Also, this is the age of global alliances (so...why not ally the entire globe and do away with war?). There are no unilateral wars anymore that are successful and are free of the terrible price those unilaterally acting nations will have to pay in the future. (like terminal financial debt and ever-increasing costs to sustain their military so that this karma doesn't come back to them and lead to their destruction). In for a penny, in for a pound! Something to think about... 🤔 - Organised violence – the term war boils down to – has long been a unifier of peoples. Archeological evidence shows that nearly half those who lived during the last part of the Stone Age in Nubia, an area along the southern reaches of the Nile Rive...

Things that make ya' go "Hmm..." 😉

Things that make ya' go "Hmm..." 😉 - Unleashed by globalisation’s dark side and the collapse of communities, radical Islam and the alt-Right share a common cause
