Tuesday, October 31, 2017

This might be interesting...and timely! 🎃

This might be interesting...and timely! 🎃 - For Halloween, here's one of my all-time favorite pharmacology anecdotes. A great story to launch today's drug and medicine lectures but good luck explaining it to your kids.

Are you paying attention? 🤔

Are you paying attention? 🤔 - We can apply any tax rate we want to the rich, but it doesn't matter if no one is enforcing it.

Karma: What happens when you do foolish, short-sighted, ignorant things and completely disregard the warnings and cautions of others. Here is a perfect example:

Karma: What happens when you do foolish, short-sighted, ignorant things and completely disregard the warnings and cautions of others. Here is a perfect example: - Researchers brief Pyongyang delegation on Beijing’s concerns over facility close to their border




Learning to Walk Before Heading to Space

Learning to Walk Before Heading to Space -  

Monday, October 30, 2017

Here are the first few sheets of what is sure to be a large stack of paperwork - and a lot of misery for certain people who would rather sell out our nation than manage it responsibly... I think my prediction that this administration wouldn't last a year was pretty close. At any rate, they've become completely ineffective and certainly face several years of misery - even if they manage to make it past the 1-year mark. We, the American people, can do far better than this! 🇺🇲️ [Download the first DOJ indictments in the Russia Probe]

Here are the first few sheets of what is sure to be a large stack of paperwork - and a lot of misery for certain people who would rather sell out our nation than manage it responsibly... I think my prediction that this administration wouldn't last a year was pretty close. At any rate, they've become completely ineffective and certainly face several years of misery - even if they manage to make it past the 1-year mark. We, the American people, can do far better than this! 🇺🇲️ [Download the first DOJ indictments in the Russia Probe] -

Viewing Australia's Great Sandy Desert From Space

Viewing Australia's Great Sandy Desert From Space -  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

It may not have affected the employment rate, which is at its lowest point ever, by the way - but I'd almost guarantee it elevated the abilities of those people who were getting paid to more comfortably afford the ever-increasing cost of living! Don't believe the hype about raising minimum wages being a bad thing. It's usually just some greedy blowhard trying to prevent his ability to capitalize and steal a bigger piece of the pie for himself from being taken away. If they tell you they don't believe people who work minimum wage jobs should get paid much and should not plan to spend their lives working jobs at that level - ask them if they think paying these people crap wages will ever allow them to afford higher education (such as it is) so they can rise above them. I doubt very seriously they will be able to continue their argument. The question is - will any of this data matter to the powers that be in the United States? Somehow, I doubt it...

It may not have affected the employment rate, which is at its lowest point ever, by the way - but I'd almost guarantee it elevated the abilities of those people who were getting paid to more comfortably afford the ever-increasing cost of living! Don't believe the hype about raising minimum wages being a bad thing. It's usually just some greedy blowhard trying to prevent his ability to capitalize and steal a bigger piece of the pie for himself from being taken away. If they tell you they don't believe people who work minimum wage jobs should get paid much and should not plan to spend their lives working jobs at that level - ask them if they think paying these people crap wages will ever allow them to afford higher education (such as it is) so they can rise above them. I doubt very seriously they will be able to continue their argument. The question is - will any of this data matter to the powers that be in the United States? Somehow, I doubt it... - The UK currently has the lowest ever unemployment and the highest ever minimum wage.

After the insanity that has been Donald Trump and the arrogance and hubris that has been Hilary Clinton...here is my prediction for the future of the United States Government (I guess we will see, won't we?): [Remember, they're the wise ones who threw out all their bankers and other crooks when the global economic crash happened...] ;)

After the insanity that has been Donald Trump and the arrogance and hubris that has been Hilary Clinton...here is my prediction for the future of the United States Government (I guess we will see, won't we?): [Remember, they're the wise ones who threw out all their bankers and other crooks when the global economic crash happened...] ;) - Icelanders, angry over a string of political scandals, ousted their center-right government in an election that could pave the way for a charismatic young opposition leader to form a left-leaning coalition, final vote counts showed on Sunday.

It seems that, now, we have to pass another law to keep unethical, selfish people from bending the rules. I knew this would happen eventually. The bad thing is that there are people out there who would undermine the needs of those who truly follow the rules and are in need of service animals - for their own selfish reasons. This...protecting those people and their animals...is a good thing! 😎👍

It seems that, now, we have to pass another law to keep unethical, selfish people from bending the rules. I knew this would happen eventually. The bad thing is that there are people out there who would undermine the needs of those who truly follow the rules and are in need of service animals - for their own selfish reasons. This...protecting those people and their animals...is a good thing! 😎👍 - Several states are passing laws cracking down on people trying to pass off their pets as service animals.

- “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

This is a no-brainer... 😜 I suspect that's why this seems to be such a dilemma for people who spend more time on personal pursuits and / or 'disappear into technological distractions' than they do developing their social skills, personalities and / or congregating with friends and family. Of course, that's just a hunch! 😉

This is a no-brainer... 😜 I suspect that's why this seems to be such a dilemma for people who spend more time on personal pursuits and / or 'disappear into technological distractions' than they do developing their social skills, personalities and / or congregating with friends and family. Of course, that's just a hunch! 😉 - The solitary journey toward contentment is a self-help truism that isn’t really true.

Could it be that the tide is turning? Is this a sign that people are thinking along more progressive, productive lines? I certainly hope so! 😊 (And, amazingly enough, the article is from The Christian Science Monitor...) With all due respect, the message will always outweigh the messenger. The reporting entity is never as important as the content being reported. 👍

Could it be that the tide is turning? Is this a sign that people are thinking along more progressive, productive lines? I certainly hope so! 😊 (And, amazingly enough, the article is from The Christian Science Monitor...) With all due respect, the message will always outweigh the messenger. The reporting entity is never as important as the content being reported. 👍 - There’s a lot of hand-wringing over US public education at the moment. So why was I thinking it might be fun to be back in high school?

Could it be that the tide is turning? Is this a sign that people are thinking along more progressive, productive lines? I certainly hope so! 😊

Could it be that the tide is turning? Is this a sign that people are thinking along more progressive, productive lines? I certainly hope so! 😊 - There’s a lot of hand-wringing over US public education at the moment. So why was I thinking it might be fun to be back in high school?

This makes all the difference in the world! 😎👍

This makes all the difference in the world! 😎👍 - How to Stay on Top of Your Game

- Look! I caught Don on Google Maps 3D! :oP

Saturday, October 28, 2017

"How to do Life" 😎👍

"How to do Life" 😎👍 - Don’t prematurely go gentle into the good night.

This is beyond contemptible... 😒 It's a shame people fail at empathy - at the ability to imagine themselves in the shoes of others. Karma will often take care of such people - placing them in a position, themselves, where they are at the mercy of the opinions of others who do not share their struggle - and will often learn too late that they should have been more in touch with their own empathy.

This is beyond contemptible... 😒 It's a shame people fail at empathy - at the ability to imagine themselves in the shoes of others. Karma will often take care of such people - placing them in a position, themselves, where they are at the mercy of the opinions of others who do not share their struggle - and will often learn too late that they should have been more in touch with their own empathy. - An undocumented 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy was taken into US Customs and Border Protection custody shortly after emergency gallbladder surgery in Texas.

Exactly! ^_^

Exactly! ^_^ - This fable is a bit of a twist on the water displacement fable we talked about last weekend. The lesson here is just keep on keeping on, and maybe something unexpected will happen. Dami Lee, on the other hand, is expecting butter, and that means something delicious to eat. Check out her other comics...

The wise strategy:

The wise strategy: - Show your children that experiences are more valuable than things.

Some intriguing data from a curious, persistent organization about a couple of very interesting people...is an entertaining thing to read! 😎

Some intriguing data from a curious, persistent organization about a couple of very interesting people...is an entertaining thing to read! 😎 - Scott and Mark Kelly are helping NASA study the effects of long-term spaceflight on the human body.

This is a good article, even if the title is misleading... It is misleading *not* because the title is untrue but because it demeans the truth of the accurately written article. Here, Republicans who have some amount of reputation are speaking about the current 'idiot in chief' and their descriptions are notable. The writer should have taken the higher ground when titling this article. Nevertheless, it's a poorly-titled, yet, truthful article written for dumbed-down citizens - by Republicans about a Republican.

This is a good article, even if the title is misleading... It is misleading *not* because the title is untrue but because it demeans the truth of the accurately written article. Here, Republicans who have some amount of reputation are speaking about the current 'idiot in chief' and their descriptions are notable. The writer should have taken the higher ground when titling this article. Nevertheless, it's a poorly-titled, yet, truthful article written for dumbed-down citizens - by Republicans about a Republican. - In Britain late last week, Conservative Member of Parliament Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, described Donald Trump as a “daft twerp.”

This is a very interesting article... 😊👍

This is a very interesting article... 😊👍 - Rhetoric is persuasion, and persuasion is seduction. And seduction, in human language, is syntactical.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

'This week in Dallas' Funny, out of all the theories posted here, the one I think is *most* plausible is not even mentioned at all. As a soldier who studied military (war) history, I was basically told that "If you want to know the root cause for all wars, you need only remember 3 words: 'Follow the money'..." - which led me to my own theory, one that has been mentioned but is often buried under a lot of other conspiracy: Executive Order 11110, which was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963, amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951) by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates - effectively destroying the Federal Reserve's ability to rape, pillage and plunder the fortunes and income of the American people (something that is still going on to this day). If you want to learn more about it, you can pick up a copy of 'Crossfire' by Jim Marrs and learn much more. What do YOU think? 🤔

'This week in Dallas' Funny, out of all the theories posted here, the one I think is *most* plausible is not even mentioned at all. As a soldier who studied military (war) history, I was basically told that "If you want to know the root cause for all wars, you need only remember 3 words: 'Follow the money'..." - which led me to my own theory, one that has been mentioned but is often buried under a lot of other conspiracy: Executive Order 11110, which was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963, amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951) by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates - effectively destroying the Federal Reserve's ability to rape, pillage and plunder the fortunes and income of the American people (something that is still going on to this day). If you want to learn more about it, you can pick up a copy of 'Crossfire' by Jim Marrs and learn much more. What do YOU think? 🤔 - A CIA conspiracy, a mafia hit job, and a covert operation by Lyndon B. Johnson are among the many conspiracy theories for who killed JFK.

It's unfathomable how there could be so many people that still 'just fail to understand' the amount of damage this person and his family/cohorts have done/are doing to this nation when, in only the past couple weeks, there is this much disgrace (the entirety of his prior life activities...notwithstanding):

It's unfathomable how there could be so many people that still 'just fail to understand' the amount of damage this person and his family/cohorts have done/are doing to this nation when, in only the past couple weeks, there is this much disgrace (the entirety of his prior life activities...notwithstanding): - Ranking the worst of the Trump administration over the past week.

An amazing article! (Though, it is probably not that interesting to many in the West) In regard to global history. this changes everything... 🤯

An amazing article! (Though, it is probably not that interesting to many in the West) In regard to global history. this changes everything... 🤯 - Inside a nondescript Hong Kong warehouse sit seven tons of Qing dynasty coins – proof, their owner says, that it was the imperial monetary system, not the opium trade, that brought China low in the 19th century

- Interesting Stuff...



Studying the Genetics of Organisms in Space

Studying the Genetics of Organisms in Space -  

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

- 100% - Class Scholar! "You deserve a full-ride scholarship because you aced this test! This was definitely one for the books. You loved Political Science and History. The past events and the inner workings in the political arena have always piqued your interest. You make sure to be always on the know and understand the importance of voting in this coming election. Well done!" (or not vote...as the case seems to be) As a man of truth, I never claim to know that which I do not know. What I do not know - I am in constant search of and that which I know - I share freely. Others may take it or leave it. ^_^ (y)

- An interesting read, for sure! (y)

- Wait for the strobe light!


- A very good read... (y)

Remembering Astronaut Paul Weitz

Remembering Astronaut Paul Weitz -  


🤣😂😆👍 - Now Trump's tweets can literally disturb you.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

...this is what happens when the passion is so deep that you can never get it out of your system (and I hope he never does)! A living legend...

...this is what happens when the passion is so deep that you can never get it out of your system (and I hope he never does)! A living legend... -

😮👍 This is astoundingly incredible! It just boggles my mind... You can't miss this:

😮👍 This is astoundingly incredible! It just boggles my mind... You can't miss this: - White Kid Sing The Blues In Guitar Shop Like It's Nobody's Business!

- "Your assignment for today or this week, if you're up for it: The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide." - Fight Club

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A step in the right direction - for a change! ;) (y)

A step in the right direction - for a change! ;) (y) - Online political ads aren't subject to the same guidelines as print and broadcast -- but the Honest Ads Act could change that.

Home away from home? At least there's no atmosphere for humans to destroy (yet)! :/

Home away from home? At least there's no atmosphere for humans to destroy (yet)! :/ - Researchers have confirmed a lava tube beneath the lunar surface. Geological formations like this could be used as a permanent moon base.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Well done... 😊👍

Well done... 😊👍 - Ninety-nine percent of teachers and professors list critical thinking as one of the most important skills that students should have or need to acquire

Jovian Moon Shadow

Jovian Moon Shadow -