- 😭
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
The unvarnished truth - a history of refugees in America since World War II. You can read it for yourself and make up your own mind...or you can continue to believe the lies, hype, political spin, opinions of bigots & the fearful and other 'fake news'. Personally, I would suggest everyone read this article. It is highly informative and very enlightening. If anything, immigrants have done more for this country than those intolerant, biased, dishonest people who live here and persistently do everything they can to keep immigrants out (you know, the ones whose families were also immigrants once too). Take a few minutes and read this, it will make you wiser... (y)
The unvarnished truth - a history of refugees in America since World War II. You can read it for yourself and make up your own mind...or you can continue to believe the lies, hype, political spin, opinions of bigots & the fearful and other 'fake news'. Personally, I would suggest everyone read this article. It is highly informative and very enlightening. If anything, immigrants have done more for this country than those intolerant, biased, dishonest people who live here and persistently do everything they can to keep immigrants out (you know, the ones whose families were also immigrants once too). Take a few minutes and read this, it will make you wiser... (y) - Even when American leaders have welcomed those fleeing war, the public seldom has
Another foolish policy by a foolish administration... This is never going to happen. Mark my words! If it does, it will turn the Internet into the 'Old West' and it will no longer be safe for consumers, which will effectively kill eCommerce. Sometimes I wonder if these people even have brains... :/

Another foolish policy by a foolish administration... This is never going to happen. Mark my words! If it does, it will turn the Internet into the 'Old West' and it will no longer be safe for consumers, which will effectively kill eCommerce. Sometimes I wonder if these people even have brains... :/ - Last week, FCC Chair Ajit Pai declared that he would halt the Commission’s new privacy rule before it kicks in on March 2. That last-minute decision is now under fire from within the FCC and …
There's a great deal going on right now... The details are below (I saved 1/3 of the overall price)! http://ift.tt/2lYJbYS
There's a great deal going on right now... The details are below (I saved 1/3 of the overall price)! http://ift.tt/2lYJbYS - Concealed Carry Holsters | Made in USA | NRA Endorsed | Voted #1 Concealed Carry Gun Holster | Starting @ $29.88 | The best IWB Holsters and OWB Gun Holsters 2016

- Truly one of the most creative and amazing things I've seen in a long time. No telling how difficult it was to do this. Not only did many frames have to rendered from single portraits, but the emotion and context had to be portrayed accurately or, in cases where it was unknown, substituted with something appropriate. I can't wait to see the rest! (y) If you appreciate Art, please leave a comment with your thoughts...
Sunday, February 26, 2017

- I remember this day, standing in the lobby at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Bldg. 1, watching the Challenger explode live on TV (I was the Media Services Tech for the then-Director, George Abbey, on the top floor). Never before (or since) have I seen so many engineers and employees moved to tears and utter silence. It was a sobering moment which had a permanent impact. It was also a blessing - a moment that imposed upon me the importance of integrity. For one man, however, it was far worse... This story always disturbed me. Imagine how you would feel thinking you were 'the guy' who was responsible - even if you weren't (it was contractors who rushed the launch) - and had to live with the guilt of this for 3 decades. Well, I'm relieved to know that this story will end up a lot happier. I'm glad you found some peace, Bob Ebeling. ^_^ (y)
Got my popcorn ready... Now, I'm just waiting for the fireworks! (I'll just leave this right here. You might want to take a look...)

Got my popcorn ready... Now, I'm just waiting for the fireworks! (I'll just leave this right here. You might want to take a look...) - Here is my best attempt on perspective and possibilities on what is going on with Wikileaks and their cryptic tweets lately. Thanks for your support, and len...
Saturday, February 25, 2017
This imposter doesn't have any business in a command position. I think it might be time for a mutiny. I sure hope all servicemen and women are paying close attention to what this sad excuse for an American is doing. He has done much more already and, if he is not removed, will probably do far worse. Does anyone really feel like waiting around long enough to see that that's going to be like? Don't just stand there, do something about it! :/
This imposter doesn't have any business in a command position. I think it might be time for a mutiny. I sure hope all servicemen and women are paying close attention to what this sad excuse for an American is doing. He has done much more already and, if he is not removed, will probably do far worse. Does anyone really feel like waiting around long enough to see that that's going to be like? Don't just stand there, do something about it! :/ - Patheos Central for the Best Progressive Political News and Commentary
Finally, a step in the right direction... (y) “Cayman is a financial center that operates largely as a registration center for companies, (and) the active goal is tax avoidance."
Finally, a step in the right direction... (y) “Cayman is a financial center that operates largely as a registration center for companies, (and) the active goal is tax avoidance." - Offshore tax haven's legislature could allow law enforcement to see previously opaque info on secretive companies registered there
This may open a few eyes... (y)

This may open a few eyes... (y) - You’re probably reading this on a phone or computer in an English-speaking country (most likely the US). If that’s the case, you’re not in the majority of people on Earth. This video highlights this unusual perspective.
Friday, February 24, 2017
This is looking like a great idea! It should greatly improve the quality of online discussion. "Perspective is an API that makes it easier to host better conversations. The API uses machine learning models to score the perceived impact a comment might have on a conversation. Developers and publishers can use this score to give real-time feedback to commenters or help moderators do their job, or allow readers to more easily find relevant information, as illustrated in two experiments below. We’ll be releasing more machine learning models later in the year, but our first model identifies whether a comment could be perceived as “toxic" to a discussion."
This is looking like a great idea! It should greatly improve the quality of online discussion. "Perspective is an API that makes it easier to host better conversations. The API uses machine learning models to score the perceived impact a comment might have on a conversation. Developers and publishers can use this score to give real-time feedback to commenters or help moderators do their job, or allow readers to more easily find relevant information, as illustrated in two experiments below. We’ll be releasing more machine learning models later in the year, but our first model identifies whether a comment could be perceived as “toxic" to a discussion." -
It could be more useful than you know! ;) (y)

It could be more useful than you know! ;) (y) - The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is much beloved by investigative reporters and others, looking to find out what a webpage looked like at some point in the past, even if it's since disappeared. But the Internet Archive's work is much more ambitious than that. Founder Brewster Kahle says throug...
Orion Spacecraft Progress Continues With Installation of Module to Test Propulsion Systems
Orion Spacecraft Progress Continues With Installation of Module to Test Propulsion Systems -
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Care for a glass? (y)

Care for a glass? (y) - Toccata and fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach played on glass harp (musical glasses) by robert Tiso Buy new album "Crystal Harmony" http://ift.tt/2l5yWy3...
A very interesting article... (y)
A very interesting article... (y) - Merging animal and human forms brought terror to our ancestors – and this fear persists right the way into our modern age.
Elucidation... ^_^ (y)
Elucidation... ^_^ (y) - One number does not accurately describe a person's thinking skills, a study concludes.
Good old Donald Trump! 'Making America great again' by protecting the citizens from environmental abuse, corporate dominance and bringing citizens together in peaceful harmony... (SmH). This has got to be the most disgraceful, least effective President the United States has ever had to live under. Compared to Trump, both Nixon and George W. Bush look like choir boys. By the time he's finished, if he even lasts long enough, I suspect the rest of the United States will look a lot like these photos. Tragic...
Good old Donald Trump! 'Making America great again' by protecting the citizens from environmental abuse, corporate dominance and bringing citizens together in peaceful harmony... (SmH). This has got to be the most disgraceful, least effective President the United States has ever had to live under. Compared to Trump, both Nixon and George W. Bush look like choir boys. By the time he's finished, if he even lasts long enough, I suspect the rest of the United States will look a lot like these photos. Tragic... - Water protectors set fire to camp structures as law enforcement prepared a final raid on Wednesday.
According to this perspective, it should be easy for 'bully' Christians to understand that people are as opposed to them as they are to...oh - I don't know - say, ISIS, Islamist Fundamentalists or Atheists who run around condemning everyone who chooses faith. If I were one of these people, I certainly wouldn't want to be grouped with the others but, to the rest of us, there is little or no difference. (y)
According to this perspective, it should be easy for 'bully' Christians to understand that people are as opposed to them as they are to...oh - I don't know - say, ISIS, Islamist Fundamentalists or Atheists who run around condemning everyone who chooses faith. If I were one of these people, I certainly wouldn't want to be grouped with the others but, to the rest of us, there is little or no difference. (y) - It seems like not more than a day or two goes by without hearing it from somewhere: America is growing hostile towards Christians.
Are you ready? (y)
Are you ready? (y) - Tune in with us to see NASA's live stream announcement about what lies beyond our planetary system! Will it be life beyond our universe?
I'm thinking it may be about time to re-write this letter... If only Bertrand Russell (and George Carlin) were still alive today!)
I'm thinking it may be about time to re-write this letter... If only Bertrand Russell (and George Carlin) were still alive today!) - Image by National Portrait Gallery, via Wikimedia Commons Changing the minds of others has never counted among humanity's easiest tasks, and it seems only to have become an ever-stiffer challenge as history has ground along.
The government is elected by you. If not by you, then by foolish people among you who will soon realize their mistakes and vote for those who will not remove power from the people, like the fools below obviously did (and many of those who voted for our current President). Educate the foolish among you and fix the problem. This is the very benefit of living in a democracy... Stop blaming the people you elected. Educate yourselves (and those around you) and elect better people! Why would you expect politicians to accept responsibility for their foolish actions when the electorate won't even accept responsibility for theirs? Where do you think politicians come from - another planet?
The government is elected by you. If not by you, then by foolish people among you who will soon realize their mistakes and vote for those who will not remove power from the people, like the fools below obviously did (and many of those who voted for our current President). Educate the foolish among you and fix the problem. This is the very benefit of living in a democracy... Stop blaming the people you elected. Educate yourselves (and those around you) and elect better people! Why would you expect politicians to accept responsibility for their foolish actions when the electorate won't even accept responsibility for theirs? Where do you think politicians come from - another planet? -
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Art meets Science! ^_^ (y)
Art meets Science! ^_^ (y) - Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a great scientist as well as a talented artist (via The New York Times - Science)
I wonder if all the Trump voters will be able to explain *this* act of asinine idiocy away - especially when they know already that - at its current status - it has caused a lot more problems than it has cured (none, unless making private prison owners wealthy off the misery of others for minor - and often, nonexistent - crimes counts as something). Get ready to be assigned your own criminal case number and have an arrest record! If this happens, the '1 in 6' statistic will be cut down to '1 in 3'. Take a look around you...are there more than 3 people? One of them (or you) will have a police record or be imprisoned. I sure hope you're OK with that - I'm not... ;) (y)
I wonder if all the Trump voters will be able to explain *this* act of asinine idiocy away - especially when they know already that - at its current status - it has caused a lot more problems than it has cured (none, unless making private prison owners wealthy off the misery of others for minor - and often, nonexistent - crimes counts as something). Get ready to be assigned your own criminal case number and have an arrest record! If this happens, the '1 in 6' statistic will be cut down to '1 in 3'. Take a look around you...are there more than 3 people? One of them (or you) will have a police record or be imprisoned. I sure hope you're OK with that - I'm not... ;) (y) - One reported plan calls for doubling the daily number of detained immigrants.
This should be interesting! (y)
This should be interesting! (y) - NASA will host a major press conference on Wednesday to present new findings surrounding the “discovery beyond our solar system”.
Well, there's surely going to be some interesting news coming out of Dallas, pretty soon! When people nationwide, as well as people worldwide, perpetually resist this asinine promotion of foolish energy policy and the former President, who had already weighed in on the side of the majority of our electorate, is overturned by a continuously failing sitting President who has done little more than anger everyone from one side of the planet to the other, nothing good is going to come of this. I'm sure the protests will spread all over the place, once these foolish and blind people 'clear the way' to continue their idiotic project. More than likely, one of the most prominent areas they will spread to is the location of the company that is behind all this, which happens to be in Dallas, Texas. Some people just don't know when to quit! There is a new age arising - the age of awareness and action. This does not bode well for those who have been exploiting the system for far too long. I hope they have sense enough to wrap up their 'activities' before they become victims of their own misdeeds.

Well, there's surely going to be some interesting news coming out of Dallas, pretty soon! When people nationwide, as well as people worldwide, perpetually resist this asinine promotion of foolish energy policy and the former President, who had already weighed in on the side of the majority of our electorate, is overturned by a continuously failing sitting President who has done little more than anger everyone from one side of the planet to the other, nothing good is going to come of this. I'm sure the protests will spread all over the place, once these foolish and blind people 'clear the way' to continue their idiotic project. More than likely, one of the most prominent areas they will spread to is the location of the company that is behind all this, which happens to be in Dallas, Texas. Some people just don't know when to quit! There is a new age arising - the age of awareness and action. This does not bode well for those who have been exploiting the system for far too long. I hope they have sense enough to wrap up their 'activities' before they become victims of their own misdeeds. - BISMARCK, N.D. -- The Army Corps of Engineers' plan to close a Dakota Access pipeline protest camp that's been around for more than six months...
Texas political stiff trying to overturn protections put in place to prevent the same kind of thing that happened in 2007-08. There is a reason these laws were passed - it is because bankers had underwriters approve loans, banking options and services, etc. for people who were clearly in no financial condition to manage them. Furthermore, when unemployment became a massive problem as a result of the financial/housing crisis, this situation was further aggravated. Now, we have more politicians in Texas trying to put us right back into the mess that we are still trying to get out of by undermining laws that were put in place to prevent it. How ignorant can a person be? Well, I suppose that depends on how much money one has... ;) At any rate, ignorant people with money usually wind up becoming ignorant people with no money, once they're outed. Intelligent people with money, on the other hand, tend to be able to cling to their hard-earned profits much longer. (y) Texas politics needs an enema... If there is any doubt, just consider George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Rick Perry (etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum). There is not much future in politics for them - or many of their Republican co-conspirators, for that matter. They are precisely the ones who give the Republican party its perpetual 'black eye'.

Texas political stiff trying to overturn protections put in place to prevent the same kind of thing that happened in 2007-08. There is a reason these laws were passed - it is because bankers had underwriters approve loans, banking options and services, etc. for people who were clearly in no financial condition to manage them. Furthermore, when unemployment became a massive problem as a result of the financial/housing crisis, this situation was further aggravated. Now, we have more politicians in Texas trying to put us right back into the mess that we are still trying to get out of by undermining laws that were put in place to prevent it. How ignorant can a person be? Well, I suppose that depends on how much money one has... ;) At any rate, ignorant people with money usually wind up becoming ignorant people with no money, once they're outed. Intelligent people with money, on the other hand, tend to be able to cling to their hard-earned profits much longer. (y) Texas politics needs an enema... If there is any doubt, just consider George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Rick Perry (etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum). There is not much future in politics for them - or many of their Republican co-conspirators, for that matter. They are precisely the ones who give the Republican party its perpetual 'black eye'. - WASHINGTON — Rep. Jeb Hensarling figures not one in a thousand Americans has heard of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And so the Dallas...
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
So much for that! :/
So much for that! :/ - It was one of Trump’s key campaign promises. But is the President draining the swamp, or filling it up? You decide.
The sad truth...but truth, nonetheless! (Ok, it's actually pretty damned funny truth...) :P (y)

The sad truth...but truth, nonetheless! (Ok, it's actually pretty damned funny truth...) :P (y) - Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president’s...

- I try to mix the serious stuff with humor, so it's a little easier to choke down...and I think both are equally important so people don't lose their appetite for either. Having said that (and after, I hope, people have read the previous, very well written post), I offer this... Winter is Trumping! :P (y)
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