- -Time To Share- As a student of culture who's traveled far and wide, I often enjoy music, food, architecture, dance and other artifacts of culture that others may never get to enjoy, so I try to share the ones which are especially impressive to me with my friends. As a result of the exposure, I've also got expansive tastes in music and other areas. I'm very eclectic, like that. With regard to music, I don't always just listen to what I like (genre) but I also truly enjoy finding amazing talent in other areas that I may not listen to very often. Case in point - I live in China but I don't often find much of the music very interesting. I think it's a very broad gap between cultures - as well as China having little or no exposure to the rest of the world until about 40-50 years ago. However... Here's a music video by a singer who is very popular in China. Her name is Han Hong. She's one of the most famous female singers in China. She's also a songwriter who specializes in a variety of Chinese folk music. Her signature works are Tibetan Plateau (青藏高原) and Heavenly Road (天路). She was born in Shigatse, the second largest city of Tibetan Autonomous Region. Like her mother, who's also a singer and who is of Tibetan ethnicity, Han Hong is able to shift quite easily from piercing high pitches to soft low tones. She performed in a Chinese television gala broadcast after the Olympic closing ceremony on August 24, 2008. She also performed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony on September 5, 2008. It's a very beautiful song mentioning a railroad which was built to travel to Tibet (a very high altitude) - and her voice is amazing... Have a listen!
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Still using this all the time... ;)
Still using this all the time... ;) - This really is a very interesting and creative idea! It's almost like 'programming' Social Media to operate the way we want it to. This will be a great way to make it more productive for ourselves, individually, like taking generalized platforms and making them specialized. However, to be fair and based on my Social Media experience, it may have a high learning curve (which may lead to slow or reluctant acceptance) and may take some time to fine-tune. It should be no trouble for the Internet-savvy, though. I hope it turns out to be the new 'cool thing'. It looks very cool! From my brother: "Don Chapman: I just created a few recipes. One that determines if I am tagged in a photo then it adds it to my Evernote and one that checks the weather in my zip code and warns me of rain. Also one that searches Craigslist and emails me results of things I am looking for in my neighborhood." (I wish I could write one that would do everything I have to do for me...while I go out and do, well...everything else! LoL!) Pretty sweet... Go check it out and tell me what you think! ;o)
- I'd wager that most people don't know what reigns as the worst form of natural disaster on Earth. I can tell you - it's flash-flooding. It often comes as a shocker to many people...but it is true. "On average, U.S. flooding kills more than 100 people a year — more than any other single weather hazard, including tornadoes and hurricanes, according to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Most flood deaths are from flash floods, however, and about half of those are because people try to cross swollen streams or flooded roads. Victims often underestimate the power of water when driving into flooded areas, UCAR scientists note, adding that it takes only 18 inches of water to float a typical vehicle." That said - how awesome is THIS: (Amazing! One of the many great ways science provides balance...)
- If you're looking for something incredible to watch, don't miss this! (y) (And if this doesn't affect you, you should question your humanity...) ""I am a man among 7 billion Others. For 40 years, I photographed our planet and human diversity and I feel that humanity does not advance. We still can not live together. Why? It is not in the statistics or in the analyzes that I sought the answer, but in Man." — Yann Arthus-Bertrand http://ift.tt/1YLy80V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdb4XGVTHkE
Testing the James Webb Space Telescope Pathfinder
Testing the James Webb Space Telescope Pathfinder -
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
This should be worth keeping an eye on! B-) (y)
This should be worth keeping an eye on! B-) (y) - Newly opened, the world's largest radio telescope heralds the next phase of space exploration: the Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST).
This oughtta' be fascinating! ^_^ (y)
This oughtta' be fascinating! ^_^ (y) - In a world first experiment, researchers have set up a working brain-to-brain interface.
I can think of a number of people who could benefit from reading this article... ;) (y)
I can think of a number of people who could benefit from reading this article... ;) (y) - 6. Let the emotions flow. Sometimes rage is OK
- I grew up listening to these guys and they originated from where I grew up. In fact, I worked for them for a week at Houston studios once when they were getting ready for their tour of Africa. Yes, they've been everywhere and they're probably the coolest 'rednecks' on the planet - not to mention - some of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. 'Legs' is one of my all-time favorite music videos from the 'Eliminator' release, for several reasons...(which are probably obvious), but there is so much cool in this video. The story is complex for a music video and there's a lot to think about. It's also full of good times and, well, there are only a few other words to say... Fuzzy White Guitars! Have fun, my friends! I do every time I watch it...even after all these years! :P (y)
- Here is something very cool...for several reasons: This is the Thai dance "Thousand Hand Bodhisattva (Guan Yin / 千手观音)" done by a virtual army of hearing impaired Chinese dancers. The reasons it struck me as so incredible are because it is Thai culture performed by the Chinese (they often favor their own culture), it is exquisitely done, it is performed by deaf people (and many people believe China does little for those in their country with disabilities) and, finally, it is performed as a 'triad'...showing not only the front-facing effect, but also two side views...which allow the viewer to see how it is done. There's also something extra at the end. Some additional performance art on a refitted stage resembling a lotus pond. Truly amazing! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did... ^_^ (y)
Sunday, September 25, 2016
It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers- regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them feel...it is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Please watch this video!
It may as well be me narrating this video. I have been saying this for decades and, from what this narrator says about his own life, mine has been parallel...not only aligned in terms of origin but also philosophically and spiritually. . This is, perhaps, the most interesting and honest portrayal of the true history of America that I've seen in a long time - as sad and shameful (for those at the top and their enablers- regardless of their classes) as it is. I suspect that, one day, if the rest of Americans learn to see the truth and wisdom of this History, despite the uncomfortable way it may make many of them feel...it is then we will be ready and motivated to make the changes necessary to correct our path towards the future. . That will be a day I certainly hope I am alive to witness...and a future I will be very happy to be a part of... . Please watch this video! - Our world is not what we think it is. This opened my eyes. Absolutely incredible! Grab your copy of PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE USA audiobook (free): http://ift.tt/1IBELff Thank you Matthew Cooke for one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen. Everyone needs to watch this.
Her excuses are wearing thin - even as the number of people scrutinizing everything she does grows daily. It is only a matter of time... (y)
Her excuses are wearing thin - even as the number of people scrutinizing everything she does grows daily. It is only a matter of time... (y) - This is serious. David Brock operates over a dozen pro-Clinton organizations from his office in Washington DC. Uncovered records expose a constant flow of money between his organizations. BrockR…
I don't know how people can ignore this (those who know about it) or do nothing about it in our own nation and still feel OK enough with themselves to sleep at night or even go on living their own personal lives while complaining about what is wrong with the world when this (watch the video) is the source of the real problem - and not just in Ireland, but in many other American ass-kissing (for favor and/or cash...your tax dollars) nations around the world. . My suggestion is to strongly urge Americans to do something about this - through voting or any other means necessary in the 'democratic' nation they claim to love so much...and get rid of these pimps and idiots in D.C. . These problems, America's problems and your own personal problems as citizens of this nation will never go easy until it is done. . ...and I have nothing but profound respect for this female Irish Deputy, Clare Daly, for telling it like it is. She probably has a much bigger 'pair' than many of the men I've ever known could possibly carry. . Go do your thing, people, and rid our nation of these political and corporate tyrants.
I don't know how people can ignore this (those who know about it) or do nothing about it in our own nation and still feel OK enough with themselves to sleep at night or even go on living their own personal lives while complaining about what is wrong with the world when this (watch the video) is the source of the real problem - and not just in Ireland, but in many other American ass-kissing (for favor and/or cash...your tax dollars) nations around the world. . My suggestion is to strongly urge Americans to do something about this - through voting or any other means necessary in the 'democratic' nation they claim to love so much...and get rid of these pimps and idiots in D.C. . These problems, America's problems and your own personal problems as citizens of this nation will never go easy until it is done. . ...and I have nothing but profound respect for this female Irish Deputy, Clare Daly, for telling it like it is. She probably has a much bigger 'pair' than many of the men I've ever known could possibly carry. . Go do your thing, people, and rid our nation of these political and corporate tyrants. -
Here's a tribute to Led Zeppelin on John Bonham's Birthday (and to Michael Winslow - my favorite cast member of all the Police Academy movies and the man of 10,000 sounds)... A 'Whole Lotta' Love' (and a 'Whole Lotta' noise)! ;) (y)
Here's a tribute to Led Zeppelin on John Bonham's Birthday (and to Michael Winslow - my favorite cast member of all the Police Academy movies and the man of 10,000 sounds)... A 'Whole Lotta' Love' (and a 'Whole Lotta' noise)! ;) (y) - Whole Lotta Love of Led Zeppelin Official covered by Michael Winslow & Hjortur Stephensen
Saturday, September 24, 2016
For what it's worth...
For what it's worth... - Join millions of Americans who are registered to vote by signing up in your state.
Friday, September 23, 2016
- In fiction, we use a term called 'suspension of disbelief' and it means, for example, that we can watch a movie like The Avengers - knowing that there is no Thor, Captain America, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, etc. - and believe in the story, just for a while, enough to make it entertaining and believable, in some weird way. Nice, however...it can have terrible consequences, in some cases. - Well, maybe it's just me, but...I find that Life, itself, has become an exercise in 'suspension of disbelief'. However, in Life's case, it is rather the fact that either people don't know or they just don't want to know (or care) that what they think might be true...is true, so they suspend their disbelief - and all kinds of terrible things happen. Still, in other cases, people are well aware of what is going on, thinking they are a part of 'those who will benefit' when they actually neither are nor do they take into account the fact that, like most others, they also frequently suffer because of these facts. This is better known as a 'double standard' and is equally illogical and counterproductive. - I've decided to post a couple videos that may help those who are unaware - as well as remind those who are trying to ignore - to see rather clearly what those terrible things are and where decades (if not centuries) of this irresponsible, illogical habit that's been detrimental to the human race as a whole has taken us (in the case of real life)...and still is...so that, maybe, people will start to redirect their efforts in a more productive, intelligent direction and we can get things back on track. - We are way off the rails, folks! That's just what many of the people fostering this idiocy don't want you to know. That way, they can continue to make the masses suffer for their own personal benefit. They are not human, they are animals. If you watch the video, it will be very clear. - There are two versions. The first is for people who prefer straight info and the second is for those who prefer something a bit more entertaining (though, it still gets the message across). - I sure hope this helps people realize just how bad we, as a collective species, are screwing ourselves and motivates them to do something more appropriate. - Please watch, for the sake of your own futures, happiness, educations and, most importantly, health - because, without that, all the rest are lost... - Thanks for your time and consideration. You're not just helping yourself by watching this, but the entire human race. - Well done! ^_^ (y)
Hubble Views a Colorful Demise of a Sun-like Star
Hubble Views a Colorful Demise of a Sun-like Star -
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Practicing Orion Spacecraft Recovery After Splashdown
Practicing Orion Spacecraft Recovery After Splashdown -
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
One Billion Base Pairs Sequenced on the Space Station
One Billion Base Pairs Sequenced on the Space Station -
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Since time is short and life is fleeting, you have to be grateful to be alive in an age where we can use technology to mine large volumes of data and better understand our world (if you have the mind for it) - if you want to be able to get the most out of your journey. This is one of my favorite TED Talks... ^_^ (y)
Since time is short and life is fleeting, you have to be grateful to be alive in an age where we can use technology to mine large volumes of data and better understand our world (if you have the mind for it) - if you want to be able to get the most out of your journey. This is one of my favorite TED Talks... ^_^ (y) - Absolutely, without question, incredible... Now that's what I call leveraging the power of Information Technology. (Props to Kris Doane for the heads-up!) [RePost]
I'm not sure why, but I've always gravitated to things that were unique (though I have respect for some traditions too) and this song fits that description. To me, it's like cultural/musical fusion... If I had to guess what Welsh Blues would sound like - this would definitely be it. ^_^ (y)
I'm not sure why, but I've always gravitated to things that were unique (though I have respect for some traditions too) and this song fits that description. To me, it's like cultural/musical fusion... If I had to guess what Welsh Blues would sound like - this would definitely be it. ^_^ (y) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPx53Ordiuw&feature=related
I always liked this tune and Craig David's voice. This tune takes me back to days in Asia, where it was like living on a razor's edge - but then...life is balance. Some days, chickens...some days, feathers! ;) (y)
I always liked this tune and Craig David's voice. This tune takes me back to days in Asia, where it was like living on a razor's edge - but then...life is balance. Some days, chickens...some days, feathers! ;) (y) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTAvl7Eq5i0
Put your seatbelts on, folks! 8) (y)
Put your seatbelts on, folks! 8) (y) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=917efsAE7Cc&feature=related
Space Station Flight Over the Southern Tip of Italy
Space Station Flight Over the Southern Tip of Italy -
Monday, September 19, 2016
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