Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hurricanes Madeline and Lester

Hurricanes Madeline and Lester -  

Story of my life!

Story of my life! - What stands between you and the act of writing? The insidious Imps of Inertia

Sunday, August 28, 2016

I've always said he was the greatest modern philosopher of our time...and he nails it 110% right here. Rest in peace, George! The world lost a true genius when you passed on...but we'll never forget you! ;) (y)

I've always said he was the greatest modern philosopher of our time...and he nails it 110% right here. Rest in peace, George! The world lost a true genius when you passed on...but we'll never forget you! ;) (y) - If you don't know Carlin. Here's your chance...

A sweet ride I remember well... (y) (Thx for the post, Bobby McDonald)

A sweet ride I remember well... (y) (Thx for the post, Bobby McDonald) - Who DIDN'T want a Mach 5 coming up as a kid watching Speed Racer???


- Shamelessness: "And we didn’t simply expel the native population. We did our best to drive it - both the people and their cultural wisdom - into nonexistence. What we couldn’t kill we humiliated." True spirituality:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Whether for Sanders, Clinton, Trump, Stein, Johnson or any other candidate... Go sign this and make the TPP trade deal stop. If you don't, you will find yourself out of a job, your country with a failed economy and other nations and international corporations suing the United States if (or I should say WHEN) we realize it is a horrible, disastrous idea (and one that's already been causing our economy to fail for decades in various other forms) and we decide to change it back - since that will not be an option. Just do it! (y)

Whether for Sanders, Clinton, Trump, Stein, Johnson or any other candidate... Go sign this and make the TPP trade deal stop. If you don't, you will find yourself out of a job, your country with a failed economy and other nations and international corporations suing the United States if (or I should say WHEN) we realize it is a horrible, disastrous idea (and one that's already been causing our economy to fail for decades in various other forms) and we decide to change it back - since that will not be an option. Just do it! (y) - We likely have a very narrow window to defeat the disastrous Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal in the lame duck Congress. We must redouble our opposition to TPP to make sure it fails.

- Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of…

I hope this comes as an eye-opening shock and a very sad day in America for the unenlightened and poorly informed citizens who have been believing all the crap that the major candidates, President and 'bought and paid for' mainstream media has been shoveling at them for a long, long time. . Those terrorists your government are always saying are so Nusra, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood - YEP! They're on Washington's payroll...what a damned disgrace - and even more, that people in America haven't figured it out yet. Clinton is funding them, Obama (the man of 'peace' - who's been at war the entire 8 years of his Presidency - is protecting them and they're twisting every story by every nation out there that are trying to actually keep the peace into a lie. They will shortly be starting a 3rd World War and, when that begins, you can rest assured that any struggle or suffering you faced in the past will look like a field trip compared to what is coming. . Why, you ask? They want to destabilize the last stable Middle Eastern nation (Syria), whose own people actually support the government - especially as the enemy is foreign, terroristic and trying hard to murder everyone there (the allied West and their employed terrorists). Meanwhile, America bombs them, sanctions the people in need and prevents them from seeking safety (clear evidence - and there's more below). . Did you really think Assad would destroy his own country and future? Of course not...he is trying to preserve and improve it - and fighting one of the most evil enemies on Earth - the Western Imperialists who believe they can take over other countries at will and deny them sovereignty. . This is what America and other Western nations have been doing for decades to all nations that are not owned by the 'New World Order' Rothschilds and other corporations, banks, politicians who all believe they can run the world as they see fit - clearly in violation of ethics, international law and all that is good. . It makes me sick to be from such a race of humans and from such a nation as one who would do whatever they please - when they would clearly not allow anyone to do the same to them. It is blatant political, international, corporate, financial and inhumane crime...there is no other way to look at it...and it must end NOW. . Qaeda, America's 'old friends' that turned on them (did they or were they created by them?)...will do so again. If you look closely - keep looking closer and closer - soon, you will see that the REAL enemy is the imperialist Western governments, owned and controlled by plutocrats, oligarchs and dictators as well as their masters - the corporations, financiers and bankers. . Wake up or you may find that your country has been sold right out from under terrorists much worse than the likes of al Qaeda, al Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood - the 1%...

I hope this comes as an eye-opening shock and a very sad day in America for the unenlightened and poorly informed citizens who have been believing all the crap that the major candidates, President and 'bought and paid for' mainstream media has been shoveling at them for a long, long time. . Those terrorists your government are always saying are so Nusra, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood - YEP! They're on Washington's payroll...what a damned disgrace - and even more, that people in America haven't figured it out yet. Clinton is funding them, Obama (the man of 'peace' - who's been at war the entire 8 years of his Presidency - is protecting them and they're twisting every story by every nation out there that are trying to actually keep the peace into a lie. They will shortly be starting a 3rd World War and, when that begins, you can rest assured that any struggle or suffering you faced in the past will look like a field trip compared to what is coming. . Why, you ask? They want to destabilize the last stable Middle Eastern nation (Syria), whose own people actually support the government - especially as the enemy is foreign, terroristic and trying hard to murder everyone there (the allied West and their employed terrorists). Meanwhile, America bombs them, sanctions the people in need and prevents them from seeking safety (clear evidence - and there's more below). . Did you really think Assad would destroy his own country and future? Of course not...he is trying to preserve and improve it - and fighting one of the most evil enemies on Earth - the Western Imperialists who believe they can take over other countries at will and deny them sovereignty. . This is what America and other Western nations have been doing for decades to all nations that are not owned by the 'New World Order' Rothschilds and other corporations, banks, politicians who all believe they can run the world as they see fit - clearly in violation of ethics, international law and all that is good. . It makes me sick to be from such a race of humans and from such a nation as one who would do whatever they please - when they would clearly not allow anyone to do the same to them. It is blatant political, international, corporate, financial and inhumane crime...there is no other way to look at it...and it must end NOW. . Qaeda, America's 'old friends' that turned on them (did they or were they created by them?)...will do so again. If you look closely - keep looking closer and closer - soon, you will see that the REAL enemy is the imperialist Western governments, owned and controlled by plutocrats, oligarchs and dictators as well as their masters - the corporations, financiers and bankers. . Wake up or you may find that your country has been sold right out from under terrorists much worse than the likes of al Qaeda, al Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood - the 1%... - by Alex Christoforou The masks are coming off. The Pentagon today made some big announcements. One, it will protect the Kurds, much to Turkey’s dismay. Two, it will protect Al Qaeda/Al Nusra jihadi…

Speeding Towards Jupiter's Pole

Speeding Towards Jupiter's Pole -  

Clinton supporters have got to be either highly misinformed or willfully ignorant and/or suffering from cognitive bias to believe that the Clintons are in any way innocent or fit for public office. Considering the past convictions, confirmed violations and lies which are not only abundant in nature but growing heavily on a daily basis, there is no possible way that could be true - since it already is false. . I just hope these people are as highly motivated when it comes to eating crow - once she is finally put away - as they are now while trying to promote such a train wreck of a Presidential candidate. . Considering how bad a candidate Donald Trump is, I find it shocking that anyone could rival or even outshine him with regard to non-electability. . I find it even more tragic that anyone would support either of them. I also cannot imagine how Americans can still have a shred of national pride when this is the best that the electorate could come up with. I'm sure the founding fathers would be moving to Canada right now if they were still alive...or going on a killing spree (kinda' like the Clintons, perhaps). . But, of course, people will likely just lie about who they voted for - as usual - unless they've been smearing that ignorance all over their Facebook profiles. Those people better start closing their accounts and starting new ones now. . For those who don't post political things, smart move...maybe. Then again, it could be in order to avoid that karma and hassle of opening a new account (cowardice) or because of apathy - neither of which is wise, ho eat or healthy. . Then again, they could be keeping it to themselves, since it's a private thing and they don't really have to post it. Too bad many people don't do the same with religion. . It's ok, people tend to have short-term memories...but not all people. I guess we'll see how things turn out in a few more months. That should be exciting! . Enjoy yourselves... We may not have that luxury for rooming longer unless people stop throwing ethics and moral responsibility under the bus. It seems to be 'The American Way' these days...if not a tragic global initiative. There's certainly no pleasant future in that! (y)

Clinton supporters have got to be either highly misinformed or willfully ignorant and/or suffering from cognitive bias to believe that the Clintons are in any way innocent or fit for public office. Considering the past convictions, confirmed violations and lies which are not only abundant in nature but growing heavily on a daily basis, there is no possible way that could be true - since it already is false. . I just hope these people are as highly motivated when it comes to eating crow - once she is finally put away - as they are now while trying to promote such a train wreck of a Presidential candidate. . Considering how bad a candidate Donald Trump is, I find it shocking that anyone could rival or even outshine him with regard to non-electability. . I find it even more tragic that anyone would support either of them. I also cannot imagine how Americans can still have a shred of national pride when this is the best that the electorate could come up with. I'm sure the founding fathers would be moving to Canada right now if they were still alive...or going on a killing spree (kinda' like the Clintons, perhaps). . But, of course, people will likely just lie about who they voted for - as usual - unless they've been smearing that ignorance all over their Facebook profiles. Those people better start closing their accounts and starting new ones now. . For those who don't post political things, smart move...maybe. Then again, it could be in order to avoid that karma and hassle of opening a new account (cowardice) or because of apathy - neither of which is wise, ho eat or healthy. . Then again, they could be keeping it to themselves, since it's a private thing and they don't really have to post it. Too bad many people don't do the same with religion. . It's ok, people tend to have short-term memories...but not all people. I guess we'll see how things turn out in a few more months. That should be exciting! . Enjoy yourselves... We may not have that luxury for rooming longer unless people stop throwing ethics and moral responsibility under the bus. It seems to be 'The American Way' these days...if not a tragic global initiative. There's certainly no pleasant future in that! (y) - Tom Fitton is LIVE discussing the bombshell release of Clinton emails by Team Judicial Watch today. [touch the sound icon on the screen for higher volume or turn your own speakers up... ⚠️🔊 ]

- In a mood... ;) (y)

In solidarity ❤️ I couldn't have said it better myself! :o(

In solidarity ❤️ I couldn't have said it better myself! :o( - Thunder Valley CDC, Porcupine, South Dakota. 16,271 次赞 · 46,989 人在谈论 · 184 人来过. Empowering Lakota youth and families

Thursday, August 25, 2016

- This is from my YouTube page... [ ] Who knows, maybe you'll see something useful! ;o)

- Whoa! Looks like NeoClassical Metal has finally started making its mark in the musical instrument industry. That's pretty interesting, at the very least. Check this insanity out!!

- Here's something that'll exercise your grey matter... ;o) Kinda' sp00ky! -=:oO

- I have no words to say about this video. Watch yourself & feel.

- I feel honored...and I cannot dispute the result. _____________________________ Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird' Selfless and Morally Sound, your story unfolds within the heartbreakingly honest pages of Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Tried, true, and honest - yours is a life of helping others. Intolerance and bigotry infuriate you, and you have a very hard time understanding how anyone could think in such a manner. You are driven to do good by others, not only because it's right - but because that's simply who you are.

- Bernie's the man with the plan! (y)

Space Station View of Grand Canyon National Park

Space Station View of Grand Canyon National Park -  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New NASA Record Holder For Cumulative Days in Space

New NASA Record Holder For Cumulative Days in Space -  

Just thought this might be interesting to some of you... ;)

Just thought this might be interesting to some of you... ;) - CNET takes a look at how Facebook decides when a controversial post should get taken down

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction: Chris Hedges

Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction: Chris Hedges - Long before the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, corporate forces carried out a slow-motion coup d’état. Now the coup is over. We lost. - 2016/08/23

Canvas Art with Kids :: Tips on Working Large and on the Cheap -

Canvas Art with Kids :: Tips on Working Large and on the Cheap - - How to do large-scale canvas art with kids. Tips for facilitating the process, working large, using acrylics, and doing it all inexpensively.

- I get a kick outta' these. :P

- For those in the SE United States and anyone else who may be interested, here's a resource for ya'... ;o)

- This is very humorous and interesting, though, it may be offensive to some. Try to remember it's just fun... ;)

- RT Mosse Rodbay: Do you suddenly get random insights? A positive mood and short breaks can help your thinking.

- This is a must-read! (y)

Awesome creativity... (y)

Awesome creativity... (y) - I really like the Dali eye art! What do you all think about this? Ladies?

This is some really interesting art! (y) Check it out:

This is some really interesting art! (y) Check it out: - Here's another interesting one: Landscape art from human bodies. (Sadly, if they used my body, it'd probably look like a rocky, country road). :P There are also several other works made from other objects. Have a look! (y)

- I hope everyone is paying attention... ;o)

- I sure would like to go...

- Oh, the hilarity! RoFLMaO! :P (Read the comments!!! Hehehe...) [ Welcome To Earth... :/ ]

Posted 2 years ago - Amazing how accurate it was... Another spot-on article from The Economist�... (y)

Posted 2 years ago - Amazing how accurate it was... Another spot-on article from The Economist�... (y) - The Economist offers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them.

Posted 2 years ago... Still awesome! ^_^ (y)

Posted 2 years ago... Still awesome! ^_^ (y) - This is extraordinary!

- Party politics is the bane of democracy, so far removed from the original concept as to be unrecognisable. Let us examine why it has not only failed but has brought the whole concept into disrepute…

Spacewalkers Successfully Install New Docking Adapter for Commercial Crew Flights

Spacewalkers Successfully Install New Docking Adapter for Commercial Crew Flights -  

Monday, August 22, 2016

Here's some incredible music from a guy whom I had the great pleasure of watching perform live with Carlos Santana. Both their huge bands were playing together and the show was off the hook! Their music complemented each other very well. In fact, he was a big fan of Carlos's and recorded a version of a Santana song (Samba Pa Ti), which Carlos heard, and they decided to put together a tour with their bands playing together - the tour I saw. . I think it goes without saying that Santana was suitably impressed. This was before 'Supernatural (Santana album)' but Carlos Santana has been working with other artists for a long time and, in fact, this was probably one of the factors that won him 9 Grammy Awards after so many years in the business. [It was about TIME!] . Back in those days, Ottmar Liebert was fairly popular in many, including progressive, music circles. I used to listen to his music when I was recovering from surgery (I was gutted like a catfish and had to stay on my back for months until I recovered) because the music really put me at ease and disconnected my mind from the pain. . Over the years, I've often wondered whatever happened to him, since he seemed to drift away with the wind - then again, it was always strictly about the music to him, as opposed to fame and fortune, which is easy to notice while you watch him play. It's not a stretch to realize that Germans are very serious about their music. This probably goes back hundreds of - years to Classical music. One thing that is difficult to believe is how a German could possibly play Flamenco so well that it probably rivals most other Flamenco and/or Mariachi guitarists I've heard - and I've heard many. . I suppose you just have to check it out for yourself! ;) . Here's the most recent live performance I've seen from him - still together with his band, Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra. This is probably the most stunning and amazing Flamenco guitar I've ever heard in my life. . I hope you enjoy it as much as I do - every time I listen to it! (y)

Here's some incredible music from a guy whom I had the great pleasure of watching perform live with Carlos Santana. Both their huge bands were playing together and the show was off the hook! Their music complemented each other very well. In fact, he was a big fan of Carlos's and recorded a version of a Santana song (Samba Pa Ti), which Carlos heard, and they decided to put together a tour with their bands playing together - the tour I saw. . I think it goes without saying that Santana was suitably impressed. This was before 'Supernatural (Santana album)' but Carlos Santana has been working with other artists for a long time and, in fact, this was probably one of the factors that won him 9 Grammy Awards after so many years in the business. [It was about TIME!] . Back in those days, Ottmar Liebert was fairly popular in many, including progressive, music circles. I used to listen to his music when I was recovering from surgery (I was gutted like a catfish and had to stay on my back for months until I recovered) because the music really put me at ease and disconnected my mind from the pain. . Over the years, I've often wondered whatever happened to him, since he seemed to drift away with the wind - then again, it was always strictly about the music to him, as opposed to fame and fortune, which is easy to notice while you watch him play. It's not a stretch to realize that Germans are very serious about their music. This probably goes back hundreds of - years to Classical music. One thing that is difficult to believe is how a German could possibly play Flamenco so well that it probably rivals most other Flamenco and/or Mariachi guitarists I've heard - and I've heard many. . I suppose you just have to check it out for yourself! ;) . Here's the most recent live performance I've seen from him - still together with his band, Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra. This is probably the most stunning and amazing Flamenco guitar I've ever heard in my life. . I hope you enjoy it as much as I do - every time I listen to it! (y) - Ottmar Liebert with "Carousel" live in the Bing Lounge, presented by Dick Hannah Dealerships. 101.9 KINK FM. Portland, OR. FB:

I've been saying this for years. This is karma... Bigots and racists, your time is coming to an end. It won't be long now until you have to sit in your little shacks with your tinfoil hats on, hating and hating while the rest of the world goes on around you or driving through large volumes of people you can't even speak honestly to (because they'll probably hurt you for being scumbags) just to get over to your other narrow-minded 'friends' and share your hate-fest with them. The world is changing and, whether you like it or not, it will not be in your favor. If you refuse to adapt to the changing world around you - you will be buried by so much cat :poop: in a litter box.

I've been saying this for years. This is karma... Bigots and racists, your time is coming to an end. It won't be long now until you have to sit in your little shacks with your tinfoil hats on, hating and hating while the rest of the world goes on around you or driving through large volumes of people you can't even speak honestly to (because they'll probably hurt you for being scumbags) just to get over to your other narrow-minded 'friends' and share your hate-fest with them. The world is changing and, whether you like it or not, it will not be in your favor. If you refuse to adapt to the changing world around you - you will be buried by so much cat :poop: in a litter box. - The idea of race as a single box to be checked on a form is disappearing. As America’s racial middle ground shifts, census racial categories become not so black and white.

Well, we've been mixing Quinoa with rice for awhile now and it's much better! Rice is not good for the blood sugar. I guess we'll be giving this one a shot next...since it sounds very promising. (y) What do you think, Liwa?

Well, we've been mixing Quinoa with rice for awhile now and it's much better! Rice is not good for the blood sugar. I guess we'll be giving this one a shot next...since it sounds very promising. (y) What do you think, Liwa? - Teff, an ancient grain that has long been a dietary staple for Ethiopia’s legendary distance runners because of its high iron content, is gaining popularity in the United States.

- Ever heard a Chapman stick? Amazing!

An awesome read...please help yourself (by reading it)! ;) (Thx for the post, Kathleen League!)

An awesome read...please help yourself (by reading it)! ;) (Thx for the post, Kathleen League!) - In the early 1980s the author was one of the first to herald the emerging dominance of neoliberalism in the west. Here he argues that this doctrine is now faltering. But what happens next?

Need to escape for awhile? Just go - now - and check this out! (y) . Art is great for the spirit... . (Thx 4 posting, Charon Stolz) ^_^

Need to escape for awhile? Just go - now - and check this out! (y) . Art is great for the spirit... . (Thx 4 posting, Charon Stolz) ^_^ - “We were born with love, including love for humanity in our lives and brightening hope towards the whole world.” —Yayoi Kusama Reserve your #KusamaUniverse tickets in advance >

My, how easily they're amused... (Though I did get a chuckle out of it!) :P

My, how easily they're amused... (Though I did get a chuckle out of it!) :P - This Lady Is Funny!

A very beautiful planet... (y) (Let's keep it that way!) [Thanks for sharing, Erik Van Erne] ^_^

A very beautiful planet... (y) (Let's keep it that way!) [Thanks for sharing, Erik Van Erne] ^_^ -

It looks like the 'Clinton Foundation' is up to their old tricks again! :/

It looks like the 'Clinton Foundation' is up to their old tricks again! :/ - "Male intruder at 2.47am climbed this wall of the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange has asylum"