Overview of MESSENGER Spacecraft's Impact Region on Mercury -
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Well, in light of what it means to be 'normal' these days...all in all, I'd have to say I appreciate the distinction! :P (y)
Well, in light of what it means to be 'normal' these days...all in all, I'd have to say I appreciate the distinction! :P (y) - You're so weird that you think you're normal. But you're really the culmination of strange. Everything is normal for you, sometimes even boring. You're really pretty crazy. It's almost impossible to be crazier.
Yeah, that basically sums it up very well, though, I would've opted for a slightly less passionate vocabulary. No sense getting the sheeple all riled up (There's more than enough of that already)!
Yeah, that basically sums it up very well, though, I would've opted for a slightly less passionate vocabulary. No sense getting the sheeple all riled up (There's more than enough of that already)! - I meet you all the time. You hate Obama. You hate gay people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labor unions, women who want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, you ...
April 29, 1990, Shuttle Discovery Lands Following Hubble Deployment Mission
April 29, 1990, Shuttle Discovery Lands Following Hubble Deployment Mission -
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Astronaut Scott Kelly Speaks at Shuttle Enterprise Dedication Ceremony
Astronaut Scott Kelly Speaks at Shuttle Enterprise Dedication Ceremony -
Sounds like progress! ;) (y) What a gas: Using water and air to run a car http://ift.tt/1z9Lt9y
Sounds like progress! ;) (y) What a gas: Using water and air to run a car http://ift.tt/1z9Lt9y - Audi announced its research team is capable of making synthetic diesel from water and air.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Damn the luck... :P
Damn the luck... :P - Although Western medicine has radically transformed our world for the better, and given rise to some of the most remarkable breakthroughs in human history, in some ways it is still scratching at th...
Friday, April 24, 2015
Hehe, awesomeness! These guys are heroes... (y)
Hehe, awesomeness! These guys are heroes... (y) - Just another day in Dad-land.
April 25, 1990, Deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope
April 25, 1990, Deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope -
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Great article... Productive thought is so much better than 'faith' in a world where few people, if any, who say they have faith - truly do and where people are increasingly unlikely to trust one-another (frequently, because of conflict that is often and overwhelmingly a result of religious conflict). This, coupled with the fact that there are more people using the ambiguity of religion(s) to control, subjugate and misdirect people for their own agendas (or for profit, sociopolitical posturing or many other definitely human and unethical purposes)...along with the inherent lack of evidence to validate anything 'religious people' would attempt to claim (in such an untrustworthy, cynical world) is probably the greatest reason for people to turn away from religion or to consider it something left to those who are improperly or highly educated. Even Newton, who was a famous scientist, believed in God but - as it turns out - his God started where his own knowledge ended. Others, who resumed his work where he left off, found no God there - just Newton's inability to make progress; a problem they did not share, due to a more developed field of knowledge. It is also a statistical fact that the majority of feverishly religious people are poorly educated and come from strife and difficult lives and cultures (look it up). These are not actually people that the majority of well-educated folks turn to for advice and spiritual guidance. Further, does it really make sense to place faith in something with no evidence which came from a book written by humans (I've seen no other presence on Earth capable of writing such things) that is static, unchanging and is from a place in the past where the human race was in a much lesser state of development (as evidenced in all holy texts by the nonsensical, fantastic description and retelling of things for which we've seen no equal in as much time as we have shared this Earth)...while the world is dynamic, constantly changing and while mankind continues to learn much more than what was available at the time of these works of literature? If one sticks with what is static, refuses to evolve, they get left behind...and buried in the past. If the 'religious' are trying to 'introduce' others to their faiths and ways of thinking, the explanation in the following article might be a very good place for them to start. (y)
Great article... Productive thought is so much better than 'faith' in a world where few people, if any, who say they have faith - truly do and where people are increasingly unlikely to trust one-another (frequently, because of conflict that is often and overwhelmingly a result of religious conflict). This, coupled with the fact that there are more people using the ambiguity of religion(s) to control, subjugate and misdirect people for their own agendas (or for profit, sociopolitical posturing or many other definitely human and unethical purposes)...along with the inherent lack of evidence to validate anything 'religious people' would attempt to claim (in such an untrustworthy, cynical world) is probably the greatest reason for people to turn away from religion or to consider it something left to those who are improperly or highly educated. Even Newton, who was a famous scientist, believed in God but - as it turns out - his God started where his own knowledge ended. Others, who resumed his work where he left off, found no God there - just Newton's inability to make progress; a problem they did not share, due to a more developed field of knowledge. It is also a statistical fact that the majority of feverishly religious people are poorly educated and come from strife and difficult lives and cultures (look it up). These are not actually people that the majority of well-educated folks turn to for advice and spiritual guidance. Further, does it really make sense to place faith in something with no evidence which came from a book written by humans (I've seen no other presence on Earth capable of writing such things) that is static, unchanging and is from a place in the past where the human race was in a much lesser state of development (as evidenced in all holy texts by the nonsensical, fantastic description and retelling of things for which we've seen no equal in as much time as we have shared this Earth)...while the world is dynamic, constantly changing and while mankind continues to learn much more than what was available at the time of these works of literature? If one sticks with what is static, refuses to evolve, they get left behind...and buried in the past. If the 'religious' are trying to 'introduce' others to their faiths and ways of thinking, the explanation in the following article might be a very good place for them to start. (y) - If we take seriously our scientific knowledge, we can redefine God in a new and empowering way that expands our thinking and may help motivate and unite us, says guest blogger Nancy Ellen Abrams.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
NASA Tail Technology Could Someday Reduce Airplane Fuel Use
NASA Tail Technology Could Someday Reduce Airplane Fuel Use -
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
This is a very good article...check it out, if you've got a few minutes. (y)
This is a very good article...check it out, if you've got a few minutes. (y) - On a visit to my son’s second grade classroom, I found a troubling pair of signs hanging over the bulletin board.
Just call me 'Bagheera'... :P
Just call me 'Bagheera'... :P - Take the test and find out what your spirit animal is.
This is very interesting... ;) (y)
This is very interesting... ;) (y) - These super realistic models of animal foetuses were originally created for a special documentary following animals on their journey from conception to birth. Based on months of research on real ultrasound scans, the images are actually clay models enhanced with computer graphics. While technolog...
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Frighteningly accurate! (y) If it weren't for the fact that this guy was born before Robin Williams passed away, I'd swear he was a reincarnation! [Rest in Peace, Robin Williams... I'm sure the whole world misses you already.]
Frighteningly accurate! (y) If it weren't for the fact that this guy was born before Robin Williams passed away, I'd swear he was a reincarnation! [Rest in Peace, Robin Williams... I'm sure the whole world misses you already.] - It's just scary.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Lack of (or substandard quality) education is one of the leading causes of many negative effects we see in everyday life around the planet.The reasons many are poor, homeless, hungry and/or unable to survive usually lead back to a failure of education in preparing these fellow global citizens for a healthy, happy life. It is rare in poorer nations for children to avoid or dislike school and, in fact, they are often far more eager to learn than students who have that option and take it for granted. If we really care about children - all children - and care about lifting the rest of the human race out of poverty and into a more productive life, we should be very glad to see news reports come along like this one and ought to go out of our way to promote these efforts. I think it's fascinating that Korea was an aid recipient country not long ago that has now developed into a provider of aid for others. This is how we make the world a greater place, my friends... Please take a few minutes to click a few times and read a bit about this so you can, hopefully, offer your support (by signing the petition) and promoting something other than cat photos and internet memes. I'm sure you will feel much better once you have. If you want to go a step further, maybe you could even re-post this to your own pages so that your friends can also be a part of making their world a better place. I'm sure there are millions of children out there that would thank you. After all, they are innocent and shouldn't have to suffer the effects of poor decisions made by adults. They should have the same opportunity that everyone else on this Earth has to become a sterling global citizen. You would certainly have my sincerest thanks! - Peace -
Lack of (or substandard quality) education is one of the leading causes of many negative effects we see in everyday life around the planet.The reasons many are poor, homeless, hungry and/or unable to survive usually lead back to a failure of education in preparing these fellow global citizens for a healthy, happy life. It is rare in poorer nations for children to avoid or dislike school and, in fact, they are often far more eager to learn than students who have that option and take it for granted. If we really care about children - all children - and care about lifting the rest of the human race out of poverty and into a more productive life, we should be very glad to see news reports come along like this one and ought to go out of our way to promote these efforts. I think it's fascinating that Korea was an aid recipient country not long ago that has now developed into a provider of aid for others. This is how we make the world a greater place, my friends... Please take a few minutes to click a few times and read a bit about this so you can, hopefully, offer your support (by signing the petition) and promoting something other than cat photos and internet memes. I'm sure you will feel much better once you have. If you want to go a step further, maybe you could even re-post this to your own pages so that your friends can also be a part of making their world a better place. I'm sure there are millions of children out there that would thank you. After all, they are innocent and shouldn't have to suffer the effects of poor decisions made by adults. They should have the same opportunity that everyone else on this Earth has to become a sterling global citizen. You would certainly have my sincerest thanks! - Peace - - SIGN THE PETITION: 57 million kids around the world don’t have access to education! It’s going to take a huge commitment from donor countries to close this gap
Sunday, April 5, 2015
How about we talk about what's REALLY important? China has poisoned its soil and Japan has irradiated theirs, so neither country should be touting their 'fine cherries'. If they wanted to have something to be proud of, they should have considered protecting their environments. This is the 'Asian Version' of Pro sports, reality TV and other ridiculous, irrelevant distracting efforts by the people who are screwing everything up in those places to redirect simple-minded citizens' attention away from important issues. I am not impressed. If the citizens are wise, they will ignore this BS and continue to focus on what is truly important. Time will tell...
How about we talk about what's REALLY important? China has poisoned its soil and Japan has irradiated theirs, so neither country should be touting their 'fine cherries'. If they wanted to have something to be proud of, they should have considered protecting their environments. This is the 'Asian Version' of Pro sports, reality TV and other ridiculous, irrelevant distracting efforts by the people who are screwing everything up in those places to redirect simple-minded citizens' attention away from important issues. I am not impressed. If the citizens are wise, they will ignore this BS and continue to focus on what is truly important. Time will tell... - The fleeting bloom of a cherry blossom inflames nationalist sentiments in East Asia.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Why is there so much diversity in opinions? Why can't people seem to get along anymore? Work together? Be productive and motivated? Be altruistic and care about others instead of sacrificing them for personal gain? For those who wonder what it would take to make the world a better place, why things are the way they are, why foolish people tout their 'Ivy League educations' and talk about how intelligent and good they are...as they wander off to Wall Street, Banks and Investment Brokerages to screw their fellow humans out of everything they own and proving those educations worthless, why teachers get burned out and hate their jobs because they are underpaid and overworked while all the people they educate go on to become doctors, lawyers, celebrities and sports athletes who make far more money but wouldn't be there if not for those teachers, etc.. ...it's because they (and you) probably didn't have one of these: A REAL teacher! If you want to fix this world, find more teachers like this. All these problems can be traced back to one thing - the failure of education. Fix that...and you will be amazed at how many other problems disappear. http://ift.tt/1IdN5iR
Why is there so much diversity in opinions? Why can't people seem to get along anymore? Work together? Be productive and motivated? Be altruistic and care about others instead of sacrificing them for personal gain? For those who wonder what it would take to make the world a better place, why things are the way they are, why foolish people tout their 'Ivy League educations' and talk about how intelligent and good they are...as they wander off to Wall Street, Banks and Investment Brokerages to screw their fellow humans out of everything they own and proving those educations worthless, why teachers get burned out and hate their jobs because they are underpaid and overworked while all the people they educate go on to become doctors, lawyers, celebrities and sports athletes who make far more money but wouldn't be there if not for those teachers, etc.. ...it's because they (and you) probably didn't have one of these: A REAL teacher! If you want to fix this world, find more teachers like this. All these problems can be traced back to one thing - the failure of education. Fix that...and you will be amazed at how many other problems disappear. http://ift.tt/1IdN5iR - When Ellen heard about humanitarian Sonya Romero, she knew she had to bring her to the show. This was an interview neither of them will soon forget.
This sickens me but what sickens me even more is the global apathy. Easy to ignore? It won't be when it spreads to your lawn, physically or by way of effect, which shouldn't take much longer. Might be a very good idea to act now, before it's too late and - if you don't know how - have you even bothered trying to find out? Too much work? I'm fairly certain that ignoring the issue now will guarantee harder work later. If we don't think about the future, we won't have one...
This sickens me but what sickens me even more is the global apathy. Easy to ignore? It won't be when it spreads to your lawn, physically or by way of effect, which shouldn't take much longer. Might be a very good idea to act now, before it's too late and - if you don't know how - have you even bothered trying to find out? Too much work? I'm fairly certain that ignoring the issue now will guarantee harder work later. If we don't think about the future, we won't have one... - 7 billion people currently inhabit our planet. Each one of these 7 billion people require the basic necessities of life, such as water, food, clothing, and shelter. When we take into account all of the work and materials it takes to provide the population with just the basics – not to mention the bi…
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