Monday, October 27, 2014

WARNING: Some things cannot be un-watched... But, just in case you're feeling nostalgic about the 60s - the chemicals, not the era - Go ahead and watch. You were warned! :P (Seriously... I'd thank you for sharing, David K. Clarke - but I'm not yet sure I'm thankful, hehe...

WARNING: Some things cannot be un-watched... But, just in case you're feeling nostalgic about the 60s - the chemicals, not the era - Go ahead and watch. You were warned! :P (Seriously... I'd thank you for sharing, David K. Clarke - but I'm not yet sure I'm thankful, hehe... - 王蓉最新神曲《小雞小雞》MV首播!這首歌曲在創作上,歌曲的演唱上,都有極為大膽的驚人之舉,旋律部分的歌詞從頭到尾不超過五個字,小雞,母雞,公雞,咕咕day。歌聲顛覆性的采用了模仿動物的各種叫聲進行,聽的時候真的感覺到了歡樂的農場,看到一群動物在歡歌熱舞。這種極具實驗性的奇特唱法告訴你:神曲永遠超乎你想象!前所未有...

Friday, October 17, 2014

If the last post was too much for ya, here's something that is enjoyable by all, whether you're into Astrophysics, Art, 3D Design, Science or...whateva'. Enjoy it any way you like! *** For the record, I neither frequent nor shy away from 'UFO' websites. *** [The safe bet is to always keep an open mind!] ;) (y)

If the last post was too much for ya, here's something that is enjoyable by all, whether you're into Astrophysics, Art, 3D Design, Science or...whateva'. Enjoy it any way you like! *** For the record, I neither frequent nor shy away from 'UFO' websites. *** [The safe bet is to always keep an open mind!] ;) (y) - Have you ever wondered what a nebula may look like in 3D? Wonder no more! Due to the vast distan...

Wow, what a read... I usually avoid the 'comments sections' (for obvious reasons), but the content of this page - both the article and subsequent comments - has widened my perspective, lengthened my research list and stunned my mind so profoundly that I'd better go check for a nosebleed! :P If you care about your future, spend much time wondering what's really going on in this world, regularly inform and update your personal opinion on such things or are just morbidly curious about whether it's God, the NWO/WTO/IMF/BRICS, ogliiarchs, aliens, Devil worshippers who are leading the might want to check this out. It's all in there, trust me... In fact, clear your schedule for a couple weeks! :P

Wow, what a read... I usually avoid the 'comments sections' (for obvious reasons), but the content of this page - both the article and subsequent comments - has widened my perspective, lengthened my research list and stunned my mind so profoundly that I'd better go check for a nosebleed! :P If you care about your future, spend much time wondering what's really going on in this world, regularly inform and update your personal opinion on such things or are just morbidly curious about whether it's God, the NWO/WTO/IMF/BRICS, ogliiarchs, aliens, Devil worshippers who are leading the might want to check this out. It's all in there, trust me... In fact, clear your schedule for a couple weeks! :P - Submitted by Brandon Smith via, Over a year ago I published an essay entitled 'The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses'. This essay addressed efforts by the ever malicious Rand Corporation to create a false narrative surrounding the possibility of global colla…

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I'm really inspired when an ingenious plan comes together... ;) (y)

I'm really inspired when an ingenious plan comes together... ;) (y) - Simple, beautiful & ad-free.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Well, that was certainly stirring, but I prefer to be shaken! (RoFLMaO!) :P

Well, that was certainly stirring, but I prefer to be shaken! (RoFLMaO!) :P - Ever wondered which great film character was meant to be your role of a lifetime?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Profound... (y) [ Thanks for sharing, Tamina Adkison! \u003C3 ]

Profound... (y) [ Thanks for sharing, Tamina Adkison! \u003C3 ] - Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Heh heh heh....if only they knew! :P (y) [99.6% though!??! - Even I'm having trouble accepting that one!]

Heh heh heh....if only they knew! :P (y) [99.6% though!??! - Even I'm having trouble accepting that one!] - Is your mind healthy? Have you been taking good care of it? Answer these 10 simple questions to find out!