Friday, June 27, 2014

This is some very interesting and creative work...don't buy into the 'media hype' headline. There's no integrity anymore, so they have to use ignorant scare tactics to get people to read news, these days. Still, if you're an may appreciate these. ;) (y)

This is some very interesting and creative work...don't buy into the 'media hype' headline. There's no integrity anymore, so they have to use ignorant scare tactics to get people to read news, these days. Still, if you're an may appreciate these. ;) (y) - Some of these images are a bit disturbing. This new trend in body modification is a true

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hmm...well, I can still be a friendly sort of fish - as long as others play nice. ;) (y)

Hmm...well, I can still be a friendly sort of fish - as long as others play nice. ;) (y) - You're distinct and have a bit of an exotic character to you. You love to create your own paths in life and you loathe being herded around. Your rebellious nature makes you the kind of person that causes changes in society to happen. You love mysteries and finding the truth. Transformation and revol…

Sunday, June 15, 2014

- is the blogging platform that's powered by your Evernote documents. Creating a Post creates blog posts and pages from your notes. To create a post,...

Friday, June 6, 2014

So much for variety! O_0 It's probably just the 'Corporate Nazis' trying to prevent competition. However, in all fairness, I've seen other countries do the same thing.

So much for variety! O_0 It's probably just the 'Corporate Nazis' trying to prevent competition. However, in all fairness, I've seen other countries do the same thing. - Sure, you can buy all sorts of crazy crap online, but when it comes to walking into a store and making a purchase, America just doesn't hold a candle to what other countries are packing.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I wonder how many people will be shocked and amazed... ;) In a world full of difficulties, it's often hard to notice those who work hard to help others achieve happiness. It's often because they don't appear to be very cooperative , but maybe it's hard to enlighten people who are going about happiness in a counterproductive way and are oblivious to the reasons why. Some just give up...and others of us...we work even harder. Where there's a will, there's a long as you stay diligent and motivated.

I wonder how many people will be shocked and amazed... ;) In a world full of difficulties, it's often hard to notice those who work hard to help others achieve happiness. It's often because they don't appear to be very cooperative , but maybe it's hard to enlighten people who are going about happiness in a counterproductive way and are oblivious to the reasons why. Some just give up...and others of us...we work even harder. Where there's a will, there's a long as you stay diligent and motivated. - You are in love with happiness and nature. You want every one to have a joyful and fulfilling life. You enjoy peace and serenity but are also exceptionally adventurous and overall jazzed about life!

I think a lot of people would agree that 'Make History' fits me pretty well. After all, I've repeatedly thrown myself 'into the fray' in an attempt to do so. So far, so good! I've altered a lot of minds here, in Asia, over the last decade. Many, many more to go, though... ;) (y)

I think a lot of people would agree that 'Make History' fits me pretty well. After all, I've repeatedly thrown myself 'into the fray' in an attempt to do so. So far, so good! I've altered a lot of minds here, in Asia, over the last decade. Many, many more to go, though... ;) (y) - You are more interested in larger, more ambitious things than the simple everyday things that most humans are concerned with. You most likely have ideas in your head that can completely change the course of human history. You're obsessed with doing something big. It gives you the ultimate adrenaline…