You may find this useful if you use Google Chrome... ;o) - A new, customizable start page for Chrome. Easily find your favorite bookmarks and closed tabs. Take notes as you browse.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Awesome... ;)
Awesome... ;) - A news reporter for a San Francisco television station has reunited rock guitarist Carlos Santana with a former bandmate he hadn't seen in decades and who now lives on the streets of Oakland.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Oh, the wonders of Social Media... These days, misfortune can befall you in return for tactless, insensitive, subhuman behavior while in mid-flight and even when your message was sent at the outset of your journey! Karma: There's no escaping it! Introducing the *NEW* Karma..."Instant Karma"...Now with improved 'Lightning Speed"! Don't you think it's about time we start acting a bit more responsibly? I sure do! ;o)
Oh, the wonders of Social Media... These days, misfortune can befall you in return for tactless, insensitive, subhuman behavior while in mid-flight and even when your message was sent at the outset of your journey! Karma: There's no escaping it! Introducing the *NEW* Karma..."Instant Karma"...Now with improved 'Lightning Speed"! Don't you think it's about time we start acting a bit more responsibly? I sure do! ;o) - Justine Sacco deletes her Twitter account.
Absolutely beautiful scenery! You don't wanna' miss this... ;o)
Absolutely beautiful scenery! You don't wanna' miss this... ;o) - The two Americans on the crew floated outside Saturday morning. They will disconnect an ammonia pump that contains a bad valve. The breakdown has crippled the space station's critical cooling system for the past 1½ weeks.
Here's an article that's definitely an interesting read... Thoughts?
Here's an article that's definitely an interesting read... Thoughts? - Unconscious impulses and desires impel what we think and do in ways Freud never dreamed of
Rather ironic... This guy truly *is* intelligent. You tell 'em, Neil deGrasse Tyson! ;o)
Rather ironic... This guy truly *is* intelligent. You tell 'em, Neil deGrasse Tyson! ;o) - Human beings are the most destructive and manipulative creature on the planet! Humans(politicians) WILL bring the end of the planet and take EVERYTHING with it!
I woulda' loved to see this stuff back when I was a teenager and read the 'Quadrilogy'...twice... :oP Awesome!
I woulda' loved to see this stuff back when I was a teenager and read the 'Quadrilogy'...twice... :oP Awesome! - Get an insanely close-up look at the massive dragon (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch) from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Plus we've got concept art of Beorn in Bear form, a gaggle of hideous orcs and the Mirkwood spiders. Behold the great beasts of The Hobbit!
Karma: You're doing it right! ;o)
Karma: You're doing it right! ;o) - A burglar discovered to his horror that the tapes he had stolen from a home showed a man sexually abusing children. See how he helped police arrest a suspected child molester:
The Right Stuff... Awesome Stuff, too! :o)
The Right Stuff... Awesome Stuff, too! :o) - Today is the 45th anniversary of Earthrise. We take it for granted now but, along with Blue Marble, it's the most important and famous photo ever taken. In a world saturated with fakery and cynicism, it's easy to ignore the magnitude of its impact. But in 1968, this photo changed everything.
Awesomeness... The potential implications are staggering! =o)
Awesomeness... The potential implications are staggering! =o) - Meet Valkyrie humanoid robot. NASA’s Space robot, built to take on dangerous tasks that would normally require a human presence. Valkyrie NASA JSC’s DARPA Robotics Challenge robot, is a 1.9 meter (6-foot) tall, 125 kilogram (275-pound), 44 degree of freedom, battery-powered humanoid robot. Humano...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Here's something fairly awesome from one of my favorite web sites... I think I have a few friends with kindred souls who may get a kick out of it (eyeballin' you, Mark Iacampo), hehe. :)
Here's something fairly awesome from one of my favorite web sites... I think I have a few friends with kindred souls who may get a kick out of it (eyeballin' you, Mark Iacampo), hehe. :) - The Odyssey, one of Homer's two great epics, narrates Odysseus' long, strange trip home after the Trojan war.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Something invaluable to populate your cranium... ;o) ( Hmm, and how about 'Social Media'? O_o )
Something invaluable to populate your cranium... ;o) ( Hmm, and how about 'Social Media'? O_o ) - Roseanne Barr: “MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood”Posted by R & S in News On October 12, 2013Share For those of you that don’t know, Roseanne Barr is a well known actress, comedian, writer, television producer and director. She has won several awards which include Emmy awa...
Too funny, hehe... (Hope you enjoy this, I sure did!) :P
Too funny, hehe... (Hope you enjoy this, I sure did!) :P - We all know what happens when we chomp down on a lemon--but we had to start somewhere.
Yeah, I'm just a kid at heart! Young mind, young heart, young, if only I could fix that 'body' thing, hehe... :P
Yeah, I'm just a kid at heart! Young mind, young heart, young, if only I could fix that 'body' thing, hehe... :P - 6 simple questions to find out how old you really are. It may surprise you a lot :).
This is really funny...I had to share it, hehe... ;) Look at that face!
This is really funny...I had to share it, hehe... ;) Look at that face! - I remember doing this to my parents, now my Panchito does this to me…..I know his tricks! *Se hace el dormido para que lo cargue!
Awesome stuff to read... ;o) “Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!”
Awesome stuff to read... ;o) “Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” -
Hey there, Starr... ;o) I hope you're doing well! I ran across this recently and thought about you. It's got that pioneer vibe, and all...hehe. Considering it's pre-Hendrix and she influenced many greats, from Little Richard and Johnny Cash to Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis, not to mention...was a rare female axe player at the time, I thought you might be able to appreciate it. Hope you enjoy... ;)
Hey there, Starr... ;o) I hope you're doing well! I ran across this recently and thought about you. It's got that pioneer vibe, and all...hehe. Considering it's pre-Hendrix and she influenced many greats, from Little Richard and Johnny Cash to Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis, not to mention...was a rare female axe player at the time, I thought you might be able to appreciate it. Hope you enjoy... ;) - "I'm singing, oh I'm singing in my soul, when the troubles roll, I sing from morn' till night, it makes my burdens light…" Sister Roset
Just a friendly 'Heads Up'... (What are we doing to ourselves in the name of technology?) Something to think about... ;)
Just a friendly 'Heads Up'... (What are we doing to ourselves in the name of technology?) Something to think about... ;) - Ninth-graders design science experiment to test the effect of cellphone radiation on plants. The results may surprise you. Five ninth-grade young women from Denmark recently created a science exper...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The future is definitely going to be awesome... ;)
The future is definitely going to be awesome... ;) - DIY technology at its best.
A little more perspective... (Might want to trade the tinfoil hat in for a fedora, hehe) :P
A little more perspective... (Might want to trade the tinfoil hat in for a fedora, hehe) :P - There are thousands of invisible signals bouncing around us all the time, and the world would be a very different place if we could seem them. Visualizer extraordinaire Nickolay Lamm already showed us what the Wi-Fi noise would look like, and now he's back to illuminate the cell phone signals all ar...
Law Enforcement - You're doing it right! ;)
Law Enforcement - You're doing it right! ;) - In a stunning turn of events, Thailand police laid down their barricades and vests to join in solidarity with protestors.
The Year In Review No sense dwelling on the past, however... "Gratitude is the secret to true happiness!" ;)
The Year In Review No sense dwelling on the past, however... "Gratitude is the secret to true happiness!" ;) -
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Very cool stuff! (Not to mention, a shot at a $1,000 Amazon Gift Card!) Check it out... :P #MyPassionPortrait
Very cool stuff! (Not to mention, a shot at a $1,000 Amazon Gift Card!) Check it out... :P #MyPassionPortrait - All your likes. All your passions. All your connections. Built into your unique photo. Create your Passion Portrait and explore all the things you love and share with your friends.
Friday, December 6, 2013
On the edge of my seat! ;o)
On the edge of my seat! ;o) - The ancient city of Heracleion is discovered and the findings could change the history books. And it was discovered while looking for something else.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
There's only one suitable phrase for what follows... Pure Awesomeness! ;) (Thank you, Leonardo da Vinci!)
There's only one suitable phrase for what follows... Pure Awesomeness! ;) (Thank you, Leonardo da Vinci!) - A musical instrument that was devised by the Italian luminary Leonardo da Vinci over 500 years ago has been constructed and played in Poland for the first time.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Great stuff, hehehe... :P
Great stuff, hehehe... :P - The Dancing Usher and an excited young fan have an impromptu dance-off when the Pistons played the Knicks at home Nov. 19, 2013.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Now that's what I call purchasing power! It all started with a single coin. (The best coin ever spent) This video just makes you feel good... ;o) (Thanks for posting, Brantley Hudson!)
Now that's what I call purchasing power! It all started with a single coin. (The best coin ever spent) This video just makes you feel good... ;o) (Thanks for posting, Brantley Hudson!) - A little girl donates some coins to a street musician and gets the best surprise in return. Well, that's certainly money well spent.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Ah, the tragic, unethical, capitalist world we live in...makes me wonder if there are many people anymore who even consider virtue - or who even have a conscience! O_o
Ah, the tragic, unethical, capitalist world we live in...makes me wonder if there are many people anymore who even consider virtue - or who even have a conscience! O_o - Good intentions, bad execution: Why we're not buying the latest "feel-good" ad campaign from the toy retailer.
Monday, October 21, 2013
One of the greatest examples of human effort ever conceived, recorded and produced. :o)
One of the greatest examples of human effort ever conceived, recorded and produced. :o) - A lot of people don't know this document exists. Apparently, a lot of countries forgot, too. (Far too many!)
'Keep On Learning' Rethinking exercise routines... Staying fit isn't just physical condition. Mental condition is just as important - there are an astounding variety of neurological disorders that have been named in the last century, and if you have any plans to enjoy old age, then preventing onset may be much more valuable than hoping for treatment discoveries. The trick? To exercise both brain and body. As the article puts it, "new research indicates that only certain activities—learning a mentally demanding skill like photography, for instance—are likely to improve cognitive functioning." Perhaps that may be obvious, you might claim. We do too much 'brain-exercising' work in most office jobs today, and it's the physical exercise that we are missing. Perhaps - but do how far do you challenge your brain? When you go to a fitness studio, you go through a regime of exercises which put every muscle group, isolated, to work. But do you challenge every part of your brain in your mental workout? What exercises should go into an optimal mental workout? Well, what would you put into your mental workout?
'Keep On Learning' Rethinking exercise routines... Staying fit isn't just physical condition. Mental condition is just as important - there are an astounding variety of neurological disorders that have been named in the last century, and if you have any plans to enjoy old age, then preventing onset may be much more valuable than hoping for treatment discoveries. The trick? To exercise both brain and body. As the article puts it, "new research indicates that only certain activities—learning a mentally demanding skill like photography, for instance—are likely to improve cognitive functioning." Perhaps that may be obvious, you might claim. We do too much 'brain-exercising' work in most office jobs today, and it's the physical exercise that we are missing. Perhaps - but do how far do you challenge your brain? When you go to a fitness studio, you go through a regime of exercises which put every muscle group, isolated, to work. But do you challenge every part of your brain in your mental workout? What exercises should go into an optimal mental workout? Well, what would you put into your mental workout? - Older adults are often encouraged to stay active and engaged to keep their minds sharp, that they have to 'use it or lose it.' But new research indicates that only certain activities—learning a mentally demanding skill like photography, for instance—are likely to improve cognitive functioning.
Here's some interesting reading... We've all heard it...maybe now, we can understand why.
Here's some interesting reading... We've all heard it...maybe now, we can understand why. - Adults aged 60 and over are better at strategising their decisions than those in their late teens and early 20s, who tend to focus on instant gratification, say university researchers in Texas.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
"If you don't want to learn, nobody can help you. If you want to learn, nobody can stop you!"
"If you don't want to learn, nobody can help you. If you want to learn, nobody can stop you!" - ALISON Free Online Courses: New Courses
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
This simply boggles my mind! This redefines the word 'outstanding'...
This simply boggles my mind! This redefines the word 'outstanding'... - 11-year-old girl plays Rush's "YYZ" on an electric organ.
Monday, October 14, 2013
We are a global village now - a world full of people, not several nations of different colored people...some better than others. Anyone who still thinks that way should get in a time machine, set it for reverse and rip off the knob. Maybe they'll make a great snack for a dinosaur. Get an education, get some humanity and realize that the only reason we are here is because of all those, worldwide, who came before us...preparing us for our lives by sharing their knowledge and compassion - not by being greedy, selfish, hedonistic fools who care only about themselves and their 'cliques' and nobody else. I really feel sorry for such people. Shameful is the behavior they teach their descendants and tragic is the legacy they are leaving behind for them (as well as all others in this globalized world); No future."You are only TRULY human when you want, for all other people, the same wonderful things you want for yourself."As far as this principle is concerned, I see nothing but failure on a global scale and, if you are of such a mind, you should be ashamed of yourselves.There is nothing more to say...
We are a global village now - a world full of people, not several nations of different colored people...some better than others. Anyone who still thinks that way should get in a time machine, set it for reverse and rip off the knob. Maybe they'll make a great snack for a dinosaur. Get an education, get some humanity and realize that the only reason we are here is because of all those, worldwide, who came before us...preparing us for our lives by sharing their knowledge and compassion - not by being greedy, selfish, hedonistic fools who care only about themselves and their 'cliques' and nobody else. I really feel sorry for such people. Shameful is the behavior they teach their descendants and tragic is the legacy they are leaving behind for them (as well as all others in this globalized world); No future."You are only TRULY human when you want, for all other people, the same wonderful things you want for yourself."As far as this principle is concerned, I see nothing but failure on a global scale and, if you are of such a mind, you should be ashamed of yourselves.There is nothing more to say... - News analysis BEIJING –With days to go before the United States debt default deadline, Beijing aired its frustrations with the shutdown Sunday, saying it was time to consider a “de-Americanized” world order. With $1.28 trillion in U.S. Treasuries, China is easi …
Thursday, October 10, 2013
A beautiful video... :o) Please share it !!!
A beautiful video... :o) Please share it !!! - It's so easy to become wrapped up in your own life, to forget to help others. Well, this video of amazing acts of kindness will remind you: help those in need.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: Maven Research manages a global network of industry professionals, thought leaders, and experts who connect and share their knowledge with others via our Global Knowledge Marketplace. Maven Research's proprietary micro-consulting platform connects researchers with knowledgeable professionals for short, paid interactions, including Telephone Consultations, Electronic Surveys, Face-to-Face Meetings, Extended Consulting Projects, and Workshops, as well as permanent Employment Opportunities.
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: Maven Research manages a global network of industry professionals, thought leaders, and experts who connect and share their knowledge with others via our Global Knowledge Marketplace. Maven Research's proprietary micro-consulting platform connects researchers with knowledgeable professionals for short, paid interactions, including Telephone Consultations, Electronic Surveys, Face-to-Face Meetings, Extended Consulting Projects, and Workshops, as well as permanent Employment Opportunities. - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven:
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven:
If you're looking for great consulting opportunities and solutions, please connect with me on Maven: - Maven is the Global Knowledge Marketplace - a vast global network of professionals who connect, consult, and profit from their knowledge and connections. Click here to learn more.
_“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities but, in the expert’s mind, there are few.”_ *~ Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki*

_“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities but, in the expert’s mind, there are few.”_ *~ Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki* -
*Another great strategy - for #Social_Media and life in general...* _"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own."_ *- Li Xiaolong (李小龍) [Bruce Lee]*

*Another great strategy - for #Social_Media and life in general...* _"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own."_ *- Li Xiaolong (李小龍) [Bruce Lee]* -
Oh yeah! These researchers come right out of the province I've lived in for the past 8 years... And lemme' tell ya'...I've been hitting up the garlic quite intensely for quite awhile now! Vampires wouldn't come within 5km of me, hehe. :P Check it out:
Oh yeah! These researchers come right out of the province I've lived in for the past 8 years... And lemme' tell ya'...I've been hitting up the garlic quite intensely for quite awhile now! Vampires wouldn't come within 5km of me, hehe. :P Check it out: - A new study out of China has determined that people who consume raw garlic as a regular diet were 44% less likely to suffer from lung cancer. Researchers at the Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control surveyed the participants on their diet and lifestyle habits, including garlic consumption an...
Saturday, September 21, 2013
And, for my NEXT trick... :oP
And, for my NEXT trick... :oP - I've certainly taken enough time getting this ship off the ground! I'm quite interested in seeing what we can make of this community, though. If you feel…
Never a dull moment in space! ...and we've barely scratched the surface! :)
Never a dull moment in space! ...and we've barely scratched the surface! :) - NASA's Messenger probe, dispatched to study Mercury in 2004, has stumbled across an intriguing image on the planet's surface: that of the fictional "Star Wars" character Han Solo, encased in carbonite. Solo piloted the Millenium Falcon as a smuggler in "Star Wars" until a run-in with Imperial forces...
They don't bitch about their iPhones - and they're made in China too! It just goes to show you how clueless people are. The truth is...maybe they are made in China, but not by Chinese companies. Go ahead and hate on the Chinese but, one day (if and) when you get wise, you will start hating the companies, lobbyists and governments of your own countries. They are the real sellouts... My advice: Go study Economics....or anything, you don't look like an idiot. ;o) John Prescott originally shared: oink oink santa!
They don't bitch about their iPhones - and they're made in China too! It just goes to show you how clueless people are. The truth is...maybe they are made in China, but not by Chinese companies. Go ahead and hate on the Chinese but, one day (if and) when you get wise, you will start hating the companies, lobbyists and governments of your own countries. They are the real sellouts... My advice: Go study Economics....or anything, you don't look like an idiot. ;o) John Prescott originally shared: oink oink santa! - oink oink santa!
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